Edit string more than 8191 bytes.

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Hon Seng Phuah, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. Hi all,

    According to the User Interface SKILL Function document, the
    hiCreateMLTextField only supports upto 8191 bytes. If I want my users
    to edit some multiline strings which may more than 8191 bytes, what
    other options do I have in a SKILL form?

    -HS Phuah
    Hon Seng Phuah, Apr 8, 2004
  2. Hon Seng Phuah

    Guest Guest

    You won't be able to edit them directly in a single field in an HI Skill form.

    You can either split them up and put each line in a field, or you can edit
    them by putting into a file and invoking a text editor in an xterm (for
    example) and then read the file after the xterm exits (using the Skill
    system() or sh() commmand).

    There are other ways as well, depending on the exact format of the text you
    want to edit.

    -Pete Zakel

    "The man who sets out to carry a cat by its tail learns something that will
    always be useful and which will never grow dim or doubtful."
    -Mark Twain
    Guest, Apr 9, 2004
  3. Thank you for your suggestion. I had thought about it before I sent my
    message earlier. In practical, your suggestion is not suitable for my

    I am creating a multiline form which a user can enter their messages
    and send it via email. If a user invokes an editor to edit their
    messages, they may accidential save it to different directory and/or
    file name and my SKILL script may not able to read and email the
    user's messages.

    Hon Seng Phuah, Apr 9, 2004
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