Edit feature with internal datum [wf2]

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by kenny, May 5, 2005.

  1. kenny

    kenny Guest

    Is there a method of query selecting to edit a feature with an internal
    datum? With the filter set on 'features' the feature dimensions show
    for editing but not the internal plane that it was created on. Even when
    the plane is unhidden it will not be picked as part of the feature.

    Can this feature group be picked from the screen in the way an on-the-
    fly plane was picked in 2001? I don't want to pick through the menu.

    kenny, May 5, 2005
  2. kenny

    kenny Guest

    A manual I'm using still refers to datum planes created within the
    feature as on-the-fly, and as a default these are hidden. The problem
    is that when I try to edit the feature these planes to not present their
    dims for modifying. It looks that you have to identify the feature,
    look it up in the model tree, expand the group and highlight the plane
    for editing. Is there a way of setting a selection filter, or query
    selecting a GROUP? My point is that the internal plane the sketch uses
    is as important as the geometry and all these dims should be available
    (as its always been).

    kenny, May 6, 2005
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