Edit crop, Surface symetry

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jean Marc, May 12, 2005.

  1. Jean Marc

    Jean Marc Guest

    Is it just me, I can't find how to (SW2k4 Sp5):
    - Edit a cropped view

    - Create a symetric surface.


    Jean Marc
    Jean Marc, May 12, 2005
  2. Jean Marc

    matt Guest

    To edit a crop, RMB on the view in the Feature Manager, select Crop View
    and Edit Crop. (You might have to hit the double down arrow at the bottom
    of the RMB menu to get Crop View to show up)

    To create a symmetric surface, use Mirror, but put the surface in the
    Bodies to Mirror box
    matt, May 12, 2005
  3. Jean Marc

    TOP Guest

    And you will have to do a rebuild to get the edited crop to show up.
    TOP, May 12, 2005
  4. Jean Marc

    Jean Marc Guest

    Thanks for the answers
    Jean Marc, May 13, 2005
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