EDIF export and import

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Jon Dole, Feb 26, 2004.

  1. Jon Dole

    Jon Dole Guest

    Hello all,

    Is it possible to export various views of a cell (schematic, symbol and
    layout) from within Cadence using the EDIF format and later import it back
    into Cadence and have the various cell views rebuilt?. If this is possible,
    is it restricted to using certain options during export or certain versions
    of EDIF?.


    Jon Dole, Feb 26, 2004
  2. Jon Dole

    F ogh Guest

    Difficult to give you a straight answer. There are various versions of
    EDIF and various levels of data inside one given EDIF version. You can
    better look on edif.org
    Overall, you can safely save your schematics and symbols and trust
    that the properties and stored CDF will be preserved, but I wouldn t
    expect too much for exporting layouts.
    F ogh, Feb 29, 2004
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