Edges, edges, edges

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pawlowsk002, Sep 22, 2005.

  1. pawlowsk002

    pawlowsk002 Guest

    Dear folks:

    I just went from SW2004 and SW2006 and am pleased to
    report a 25% drop in departmental efficiency...*sigh*. This
    happened last time I upgraded too, but I recovered...

    Anyway, I used to select unwanted part edges in a drawing,
    hide them, and when they didn't, find a handy surface and do
    the Show/Hide Edges (Show, then Hide) routine, and everything
    would rebuild and be lovely. But now I can't do that. Has
    anybody got more ideas? I can select them fine, just not hide

    Cordiallly yours,
    Gerard P.
    Lakeview Forge Co.
    pawlowsk002, Sep 22, 2005
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