EDA-On-Tap program?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by nonoe, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. nonoe

    nonoe Guest

    At a recent IC seminar, I overheard some attendees talking
    about the 'EDA-On-Tap' program, which is a new fee
    subscription-model for some of Cadence's product-line.

    Unfortunately, when I went to Cadence's website, and did a
    search, I found no mention of the program anywhere. In fact,
    even after doing a google.com search, I could only find oblique
    references through online resumes of its past developers.

    Is there a minimum/maximum purchase limit through EDA-On-Tap?
    Do you need to be a regular maintenance (perpetual) licensee
    of another product to participate in the program?
    nonoe, Mar 17, 2005
  2. This is the kind of thing you should ask of your Cadence account manager -
    it's a sales issue. So ask sales - I'm sure they'll be happy to advise you of
    the fit of EDAonTap for your needs.

    Andrew Beckett, Mar 17, 2005
  3. nonoe

    Erik Wanta Guest


    Cadence Response:
    It's a licensing system that allows customers to login and create
    licenses themselves once they buy an EDA license card from us. Kind of
    like a credit card for license shopping.
    Erik Wanta, Apr 15, 2005
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