Ed Eatons SWWorld 07 presentation ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Elmo, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. Elmo

    Elmo Guest

    Hello Ed Eaton,

    I was just wondering if you are planing to share your SWWorld 07 loft
    presentation files this time around.....
    Unfortunately I was not able to attend and was hoping you would
    generously share them like in the past. It has always been interesting
    to learn from your presentations.....

    Best regards,

    Elmo, Mar 15, 2007
  2. I was just wondering if you are planing to share your SWWorld 07 loft
    Yes, I do plan to make the presentation and sample files available.

    The person who did the updates to our website is no longer available,
    so I am trying to educate myself on how to manage it so I can pick up
    the duty, and that is the source of the delay (along with a whole
    bunch of other stuff that would just sound like whining).

    However, when it IS up I think you will like it and find it pretty
    useful. I annotated the stuff even more than in the past, AND I stole
    a technique from Mark Matthews SWx World 2006 presentation and did a
    second powerpoint that, through a series of screenshots, storyboards
    every step taken in any live samples that I did. It ought to be
    pretty easy to follow along at home. I'm really eager to get it out
    there (it doesn't do anybody any good just sitting on my hard-drive);
    it's just that it will take a couple of more weeks.
    When it is up, I will post here to let you know.
    Edward T Eaton, Mar 15, 2007
  3. Elmo

    Elmo Guest

    Hello Ed,

    That are good news...Really appreciate the work you do!
    By the way, pretty amazing the stuff you do...

    Elmo, Mar 16, 2007
  4. Unfortunately, I had to learn web design in order to post the site
    since our previous web resource was no longer available.
    That learning curve has taken me the bulk of the last two months. If
    you don't know anything about it, its a weird world. If you know
    about it, you can freely snicker at my ignorance.
    I plan to make the completely revised site live this weekend - stop by
    www.dimontegroup.com on Saturday, and the tutorial ought to be up! Be
    sure to get the PPT that storybaords what to do with the sample files
    - this is a new bit of plaigarism for this year that (thanks to Mark
    Matthews) ought to make the points even clearer than in years past.
    Edward T Eaton, May 3, 2007
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