
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tim Robben, Mar 24, 2005.

  1. Tim Robben

    Tim Robben Guest

    When I use the commando Eattext, i will get a Access database with all
    information from my blocks in that drawing.

    I have in one drawing about 1400 blocks, (traffic signs). I need to extract
    that data to an Accessdatabase for a further handling. The only thing that
    goes wrong, is that he also counts the blocks each, sometimes he shows that
    I traffic signs are more than one.

    When I check that in the drawing it isn't. It could be the same because also
    the X and Y position are different from each sign.

    How can I fix it, that I get a right table of information?


    Tim Robben, Mar 24, 2005
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