E-mail problems after SP2

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Webb, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. John Webb

    John Webb Guest

    For a long time I have emailed .dwg and .pdf files to customers, with no
    problems whatsoever.

    After loading SP2 for WinXP Pro the drawing files arrive corrupted. I then
    tried to ZIP the files, and this only had about 40% success.

    I have read the Microsoft Knowledgebase concerning Outlook Express problems,
    but they only cover problems with incoming email.

    Has anyone else had this problem and solved it? If so, please share your

    Thank you,
    John Webb
    John Webb, Nov 3, 2004
  2. John Webb

    S Scalise Guest

    Ooooooh yeeeees!
    But, I discovered it not to be a problem originating from my end. My desktop
    has XP/SP2, 1 notebook uses XP, and a second notebook uses ME. I have had
    the same problem with all 3 machines.
    An example of my experience involved sending a newsletter to 49 members of a
    club. Because everyone seems to use a different word processor the file was
    saved as WordPerfect, MS Word, MS Works and pdf. The e-mails included each
    format. I received 16 replies indicating they could not open any of the
    attachments or they got a "corrupted file" message. Well, of course, that
    sounded ludicrous to me. Who doesn't have at least one of the programs? Who
    can't open a pdf file?
    In an attempt to find a solution I got on the phone with a person that has 5
    e-mail accounts. The message with attachments was sent to each address. He
    was able to open same in 2 of the accounts but could not open them in the
    other 3.
    Our conclusion, as un-informed as it may be, was that many ISP's have gotten
    so paranoid about an e-mail attachment containing a virus/worm/Trojan
    horse/etc. that the attachments are kicked out, deleted or whatever is the
    correct term and/or the recipient's firewall was the culprit.
    As a footnote, Autocad's e-transmit feature was (I deliberately use in past
    tense) great IMHO. I can no longer expect a recipient to get the e-mail with
    the file sent as auto execute.
    S Scalise, Nov 3, 2004
  3. John Webb

    John Webb Guest

    Thanks for the reply.
    What you are saying makes sense and mirrors my problem. The biggest problem
    comes from
    a large world-wide company where the people I use to send files to can no
    longer open a .dwg,
    ..pdf, or .tif attachment. I started Zipping them and that worked for a
    while, but no longer. On the other
    hand, some smaller companies can still open my .pdf and .zip files.
    This is a pretty serious problem, in my opinion. Can you think of anything
    that can be done beside suggesting
    to the recipients that they ask their ISP to allow these formats?
    John Webb, Nov 4, 2004
  4. John Webb

    John Webb Guest

    That is a good idea, John, and I tried it this morning. I zipped 5 .pdf
    files and renamed it a .txt file and emailed it.
    The recipient opened the email and renamed it a .zip file, but WinZip
    couldn't open it, saying it was corrupted.
    Should have worked.
    John Webb, Nov 4, 2004
  5. John Webb

    John Webb Guest

    I cannot send my AutoCad files in .dwg format to subcontractors due to my
    proprietary rules. I must send them in raster format. I agree there is not
    any more I can
    do. It looks like I will have to suggest to my recipients that they pressure
    their ISP's to
    allow .pdf and/or .zip files to pass thru. Until then I will just have to
    mail them cd's and
    diskettes. A big step backward!

    Thanks for your input.
    John Webb, Nov 5, 2004
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