E-drawings: Not quite ready for prime time....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Len K. Mar, Dec 12, 2003.

  1. Len K. Mar

    Len K. Mar Guest


    I'm trying to determine if the following problem is a graphics card
    issue or Edrawing itself.

    1. Company logo (bitmapped image, jpeg, etc.) does not appear in

    2. Any ole inserted object (such as a visio schematic) does not appear
    in edrawing.

    3. Multi-line BOM item (SW2004 BOM feature)- edrawing does not
    recognize the line return - resulting in one very lone text line
    running across the drawing.

    Does anyone else have these problems?

    Len K. Mar, Dec 12, 2003
  2. Len K. Mar

    kenneth b Guest

    have same problem with #1 & #2,
    did not check #3
    kenneth b, Dec 12, 2003
  3. I don't believe e-drawings supports OLE objects (i.e.. inserted jpgs,
    spreadsheets, etc.)
    Rob Rodriguez, Dec 14, 2003
  4. I've got a customers sheet format that sports their logo (inserted JPG), and
    an inserted Excel chart used as a revison table. Both appear just fine in an
    eDrawing. I've been working with this customer for 3 years, (so eDrawings
    2001, 2003, and 2004?) and I have never had a problem.

    Both objects are used in my xxx.slddot template.

    Richard Doyle, Dec 14, 2003
  5. Sorry. Apparently I was incorrect with my first response. Are you using
    2004 files with 2004 e-drawings? It does state in the documentation that
    2003 files and older will not work with e-drawings 2004 and 2004 files and
    newer will not work with anything but e-drawings 2004.
    Rob Rodriguez, Dec 14, 2003
  6. Len K. Mar

    Len K. Mar Guest

    SW 2004 SP0.0 with Edrawing 2004.

    Len K. Mar, Dec 15, 2003

  7. Have you got the 'Save eDrawings data in Solidworks document' box ticked
    within System options - General?

    This may bring the jpeg logo back

    Steve Edmeades, Dec 15, 2003
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