E+ coordinate problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Full Name, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. Full Name

    Full Name Guest

    Does anybody know what does mean an expression on coordinate line like
    4.5714E+03, 95'-5/8", 0'-0" ?
    I'm working on somebody's drawing and I keep getting an error message
    : Cannot do (fillet, join, etc) because lines are not cooplanar.
    Looking at the coordinate of such a lines (polylines, etc) I can see
    that expression. Also if I try to draw a new line within such a
    drawing it sometimes gets drawn two ends on a different plane.
    I would very much apreciate if somebody could help me. All the
    drawings in the company I'm working with now got the same problem,
    even their template.
    flatten.lsp does not work in this case.
    Thank you very much in advance.
    Full Name, Sep 8, 2005
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