Dynamic Highlighting Problem

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jec202, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. jec202

    jec202 Guest

    Hey guys I could really use some help on this. It's really getting on
    my nerves. I'm using the SolidWorks Student Design Kit on Vista and
    whenever I mouseover a line my dynamic highlighting gets all funky.
    It highlights it but it also has a solid black square encompassing the
    whole feature. It's kind of hard to describe here's a picture of it.

    jec202, Sep 20, 2007
  2. jec202

    jec202 Guest

    So I realize this might be a graphics card problem. If so I'm screwed.
    jec202, Sep 20, 2007
  3. jec202

    mbiasotti Guest

    what's your hardware and software (version of Vista) setup?


    mbiasotti, Sep 20, 2007
  4. jec202

    Jeff Guest

    Most likely a video card issue, or just a Vista driver issue for that
    particular card. Please supply specifics (hardware, driver version,
    OS version) with these types of questions.

    Jeff, Sep 20, 2007
  5. jec202

    jec202 Guest

    right, I have an XPS m1210 with the geforce go 7400. I'm running
    Vista Ultimate.
    Thanks guys
    jec202, Sep 20, 2007
  6. jec202

    mbiasotti Guest

    Like Jeff suggested, I suspect that it is a problem with your graphics
    driver. Do this: Launch SW, then before you open a part (that know
    crashes) go to Tools>options>performance and checkmark "Using software
    OpenGL" If you part behaves without crashing, this is an indication
    that it is the graphics driver problem.

    The 2007/2008 Student Design Kit is the SW2007 version and as such has
    know issues with Vista graphics - mainly performance. This is why we
    never released 2007 for Vista (only pre-release). We did for the SDK
    because we didn't feel it was fair to make students wait a full 2
    years (education/student release are one major release behind
    commerical.) A major rearchitecture of graphics was needed for SW2008
    Vista because of the way that MS chose to Implement Graphics in Vista
    - i.e. entire sceen is now redrawn constantly (by DirectX or OpenGL)
    as before only the SW window was redrawn and updated as needed by


    mbiasotti, Sep 21, 2007
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