dyamically goes into iso view

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by billyb, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. billyb

    billyb Guest

    In the past, when I went from sketch to extrude or extrude cut, my
    sketch would turn and go into a isometric view automaticaly. Now it
    just sits there. Is there a on/off switch for this to happen??
    Thank you in advance
    billyb, Oct 11, 2007
  2. billyb

    takedown Guest

    As far as I know, no. There isn't a simple switch. I'm still looking
    for a way to force the view to be normal to the sketch plane when you
    start a new feature. However, the macro commands for Exit Sketch and
    Isometric View are pretty straightforward. You can try exiting a
    sketch with a macro that pairs those two commands and see what you
    get. It might not auto start the feature creation dialog afterward,
    but it's worth a try.
    takedown, Oct 12, 2007
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