DXF to TTF conversion (possible at all ????)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DRF, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. DRF

    DRF Guest


    I have got several hundred symbols in DXF format that need to be converted
    into TTF (True Type Font). Each symbol shall become a separate
    TTF-character. The source symbols (DXF) are simple and small, no X-ref,
    nothing special.

    I am aware that there are a number of TTF to DXF converters around, but they
    just do the opposite job I need.

    I am also aware that a regular DXF2TTF conversion is likely to fail on
    larger or complex DXF sources, but since my symbols are very simple and
    reside on a single layer with no extras they hopefully survive such a

    Therefore I would be more than glad if anybody could give me a hint where to
    start and what steps to take to get this job done. I am happy to convert
    into a different format first, as long as the result will be in TTF.

    Many thanks in advance.

    DRF, Aug 15, 2005
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