DXF read/write library ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Anthony Dunk, Aug 15, 2003.

  1. Anthony Dunk

    Anthony Dunk Guest


    Does anyone know of a DXF reading/writing library which can handle R10
    thru R14 files and all the 2D/3D elements ?

    I'd like to link this into a (commercial) Windows/C++ application.
    Cost is an issue so a library without royalties is preferable. I'm
    looking for a good open source / shareware library. I've tried DIME
    which almost fits this category, but its yearly commercial license fee
    is too high for our purposes.

    Anthony Dunk, Aug 15, 2003
  2. Norbert Grund, Aug 15, 2003
  3. I'm not very surprised because reverse engineering and maintaining a
    non-trivial vector-based CAx data exchange format seems not to be done
    between 12 and noon..

    Norbert Grund, Aug 18, 2003
  4. Hello Anthony

    on DSP (google for Delphi Super Page) I once got some free Code for
    reading DXF.

    It was darned fast compared to ACAD and if you don't get something
    free for c(++) maybe it's your best bet.


    Herbert Koenig, Aug 18, 2003
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