DXF processing: calculating absolute coordinates of LINEs inside blocks

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by JoseMaria, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. JoseMaria

    JoseMaria Guest

    I have a software that needs to process dxf files and I am having a
    nightmare trying to find the absolute corrdinates of LINEs inside

    This is what I know about BLOCKS:

    Each BLOCK (in the BLOCKS section) has a block name that is related to
    an INSERT entity (In the ENTITIES section).
    The INSERT entity defines the transformation parameters such as origin,
    scale and rotation, to transform the BLOCK coordinates from relative to
    absolute coordinates.
    All coordinates in the BLOCK may be transformed using the parameters
    defined in INSERT.
    Each BLOCK ends with ENDBLK.

    This is what I need to do:

    I need to transform the relative coordinates of LINEs inside blocks (in
    the BLOCKS section) to absolute coordinates.
    What I do is search (using the block name) the corresponding INSERT
    entity (in the ENTITIES section) which gives me the coordinates of the
    block, so by adding the relative + block corrdinates I can obtain the
    absolute coordinates for LINEs.


    What can I do if I find more than one INSERT entity with the same block
    name ?
    How do I know which one applies to each LINE, since for a given block
    name there is only one BLOCK structure in the blocks SECTION but in
    some cases there is more than one INSERT entity in the ENTITIES

    Thanks for your help
    Jose Maria
    JoseMaria, Apr 5, 2006
  2. Henrik Vallgren, Apr 7, 2006
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