Dxf file from OpenGl style entity

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by marcobonifazi, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. Hello!
    I'm writing a tool to convert my geometry entities, which are plotted
    in OpenGl, in Dxf format.
    When I wrote OpenGl entities I used a lot of transformation like
    glTranslate, glRotate, and I used to save state matrix (glPushMatrix,

    My question: is there a way to use these style (i.e. writing the
    program in "states") or I must to recalculate all my translation,
    rotation, etc.?

    Thanks also if you don't answer!

    Marco Bonifazi
    marcobonifazi, Sep 12, 2006
  2. Hi,

    It's possible, it's more a question of your level of ambition. Do you
    want to:

    - hide transforms inside block/blockrefs
    - generate layers for colors/linestyles
    - join adjacent lines into polylines

    I use this kind of translation to translate GL commands into win32
    printer data. For DXF output, consider DWGDirect (www.opendesign.org).

    Good luck,

    Henrik Vallgren
    Henrik Vallgren, Oct 8, 2006
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