Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Steven M (remove wax and invalid to reply), Dec 9, 2005.

  1. I'm a technical translator and I'm working with a colleague to
    translate some CAD drawings into German. Our client has EPLAN
    (www.eplan.de) and they exported the drawings into DVX format for us
    to work with using AutoCAD (I have both AutoCAD LT 2000 and AutoCAD LT

    The first sign that something was strange, was that the phrase mm² in
    the drawing (should be mm with a superscript 2, meaning "square
    millimeters") was displayed in AutoCAD as "mmý" (mm, followed by y
    with an acute accent ´).

    In addition, AutoCAD reported that the Standard text style used a font
    called Monotxt8.shx, which did not appear on my computer. We asked
    the client for it, and they had no idea what we were talking about.

    Personally, I think that the EPLAN export routine must have inserted
    the reference to Monotxt8.shx. Does anyone have another idea?

    I converted the mmý to mm2 (no subscript) and we started the
    translations. When we sent the first few DXF files back to the
    customer, they noticed another problem problem. The German characters
    with Umlauts (for example, ä) are displayed as other non-German
    characters (such as Greek epsilon)

    The client says that they have another employee with more experience
    with EPLAN should be able to take a look at this and find a solution,
    in order to display the German characters properly. However, until
    that happens, I'm trying to learn as much as I can.

    We contacted the EPLAN office in the USA and they suggested that we
    export the DXF file from AutoCAD while specifying a Unicode font. I
    can't tell which fonts in AutoCAD LT 2000 or 2005 are Unicode. Can
    someone tell me whether this advice makes sense?

    If they can figure out how to generate the German letters in EPLAN,
    one solution might be for my colleague to go to their office and
    insert the German characters in the EPLAN drawings. But that will
    take a long time.

    What makes more sense would be for the client to find a way to import
    our DXF files without further modification.

    Does anyone have any experience importing DXF files and/or working
    with fonts in EPLAN?
    Steven M (remove wax and invalid to reply), Dec 9, 2005
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