dwgthumnail white background

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by elefebvre, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. elefebvre

    elefebvre Guest


    I use the dwgthumbnail control but it gives me a white background. I have tried everything (at least i think so):

    set the setiing of the control to black on white
    set the setiing of the control to white on black

    save the dwg with white background
    save the dwg with black background
    save the dwg as acad 2000 format

    could it be i need a newer version of the control? I have version 1.7.

    thanks in advance for any help on this,

    elefebvre, Sep 24, 2004
  2. elefebvre

    bcoward Guest


    "I have tried everything (at least i think so):"

    Have you looked at changing either the BackColor or BitMapBackColor property of the Thumbnail control? I think you'll find your solution there.

    Good luck,

    Bob Coward
    CADS, Inc

    bcoward, Sep 24, 2004
  3. elefebvre

    perry Guest

    Have you found a solution yet? I have the very same problem. All drawings
    showing with a white background as if they were saved that way
    and they are not.
    perry, Sep 30, 2004
  4. elefebvre

    elefebvre Guest

    yes i did,

    someone sent me the version 2.0. that solved it. if you post your email address, i can send you the ocx 2.0

    elefebvre, Oct 1, 2004
  5. elefebvre

    perry Guest

    What I ended up doing is just going to a different control, the bitmap
    preview posted at "cadvault.com"
    it works great, seems more flexible, includes source code and, since its not
    from Autodesk you dont have to
    worry about anyone getting anal over your using it.

    Perry Leets
    Inovec Optimization and Control Systems
    Eugene, Oregon
    address, i can send you the ocx 2.0
    perry, Oct 1, 2004
  6. elefebvre

    elefebvre Guest

    i got that link from someone as well and tried it.

    However, i was not able to get a file showing in the window. I tried bmp, dwg in any possible way but to no avail.
    elefebvre, Oct 4, 2004
  7. elefebvre

    Michel Guest


    I'm interested in the 2.0 OCX. I'd really appreciate it if someone would send it to me.

    Michel, Oct 6, 2004
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