DWGProps General Tab

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Max, Jul 9, 2004.

  1. Max

    Max Guest


    When running the _DWGPROPS command.

    How can I make it so that it shows up on the General Tab...Instead of the
    Summary Tab.

    Thanks for the help
    Max, Jul 9, 2004
  2. Max

    James Murphy Guest

    This might be what you want
    (vl-file-size (getvar "dwgname"))
    It returns the current dwg file size in bytes

    James Murphy, Jul 10, 2004
  3. Max

    Max Guest


    How do I make this run?

    Thanks for the help!

    Max, Jul 10, 2004
  4. Max

    James Murphy Guest

    You can either type it in at the command line the way it is or if you know
    how to create a toolbar button that would be the macro for it. Keep in mind
    that it will return the file size back on the command line in bytes not

    James Murphy, Jul 11, 2004
  5. Max

    Max Guest

    Hi Murph

    I tried (vl-file-size (getvar "dwgname")) at the command line and i got...

    Command: (vl-file-size (getvar "dwgname"))

    I am running AutoCAD 2004

    Thanks for the help.
    Max, Jul 11, 2004
  6. Max

    James Murphy Guest

    It works for me in R2004, you do have a dwg file open right? Also see if
    running this first works (vl-load-com) if it does then just add that to the
    macro or better yet in your acaddoc.lsp

    James Murphy, Jul 11, 2004
  7. Max

    Max Guest

    (vl-load-com) that's got er....


    Max, Jul 11, 2004
  8. Max

    Max Guest

    interesting...now, after I added it too my menu and ran it returned nil

    Command: (vl-load-com)

    Command: (vl-file-size (getvar "dwgname")) nil

    I then typed it in and it still gave me nil....

    I shut down ACAD and did it again and no luck....kinda strange...
    Max, Jul 11, 2004
  9. Max

    zeha Guest

    Max, you tried it on a none existing file

    if so use a existing file or use below

    (if (findfile (getvar "dwgname"))(vl-file-size (getvar
    "dwgname"))(alert (strcat "Not existing file <"(getvar "dwgname")"> ")))

    I now thats not the answer but i think i'ts complicated to use the DWGprops

    Look also in the news group ther many examples.

    zeha, Jul 12, 2004
  10. Max

    Max Guest


    I tried your suggestion too...(with an existing file)

    but i am getting nil....
    Command: (if (findfile (getvar "dwgname"))(vl-file-size
    (getvar"dwgname"))(alert (strcat "Not existing file <"(getvar "dwgname")">

    Thanks for the help....what is weird it did work once but can't seem to make
    it work again...I didn't change none of settings or installed anything on my
    Max, Jul 12, 2004
  11. Max

    James Murphy Guest

    Have you tried it with this first?
    If that was the one time that it worked then you need to include that either
    with the expression or add that line to your startup to run each time you
    open a dwg. Look up that function (vl-load-com) in the help files along with
    the vl-XXXX functions.

    James Murphy, Jul 13, 2004
  12. Max

    zeha Guest



    (findfile (getvar "dwgname"))


    (getvar "dwgname")

    the same result??

    if not

    try this one

    (if (findfile (getvar "dwgname"))(vl-file-size (findfile (getvar
    zeha, Jul 13, 2004
  13. Max

    Max Guest

    Yes i tried it first then proceeded with the second command and
    nothing...kinda strange...

    Thanks for the help...
    the suggestion
    (if (findfile (getvar "dwgname"))(vl-file-size (findfile (getvar
    "dwgname")))(alert (strcat "Not existing file <"(getvar "dwgname")" ")))
    by ZEHA

    Thanks for the help...

    Max, Jul 13, 2004
  14. Max

    Max Guest

    Thanks that worked....


    Max, Jul 13, 2004
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