DWGEditor less than perfect...it seems?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mr. Pickles, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. Guys,

    Could I get a Histogram . . .
    Ouch! I started my life in a stamping & tooling job shop - there was
    "zero tolerance" for anything that was not "quality". You learned
    fast not to make ANY mistakes and when you did, man look out, because
    someone was crawling up your __YouFillItIn__ in a flash. You also
    learned to own up to your own crappy work instantly and admit when you
    had made a mistake. You then tried to improve and generally did.
    Those who did not did not prosper (i.e. You could easily become a
    professional parts deburrer if you were not diligent about developing

    You comment about a 1:10 error maginfication of design errors is quite
    real, especailly once something has been "committed to metal". I got
    really good at thanking anyone who found an error on a design before
    they cut metal. I got very very good at saying "Thanks - you saved my
    ass again": generally people were more willing to help and
    occasionally I was able to return the favor.

    Designing anything correctly is hard, building and making it work it
    is even harder.


    Sean-Michael Adams, Sep 16, 2004
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