DWGEditor and Ext.refs

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Markku Lehtola, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    how can I open file with external references (file(s)) that are missing?
    Just getting errors..
    Markku Lehtola, Jun 14, 2005
  2. Markku Lehtola

    CAD Guy Guest


    I am able to open drawings using the DWG Editor, where the XREF files are
    missing. Errors are displayed, but I would expect to be warned about the
    missing files.

    What exactly are you seeing?

    Is the entire drawing composed of XREF files?

    CAD Guy, Jun 14, 2005
  3. File is not opening, trying to open will cause DWGEditor to crash with
    this error message:"Error -- buffer overrun. This file may be an Acad R14
    beta format file" and another one following that:"A shell command was not
    executed properly. Please confirm that all command line parameters are
    valid and try again(2)"

    I'm just trying to open file by doubleclicking it, I'm not running command
    line or anything. And if I open the Editor first and use it's Open-command
    I'll get the first error message and then nothing (Editor is not crashing)
    Markku Lehtola, Jun 15, 2005

  4. File is not opening, trying to open will cause DWGEditor to crash with
    this error message:"Error -- buffer overrun. This file may be an Acad R14
    beta format file" and another one following that:"A shell command was not
    executed properly. Please confirm that all command line parameters are
    valid and try again(2)"

    I'm just trying to open file by doubleclicking it, I'm not running command
    line or anything. And if I open the Editor first and use it's Open-command
    I'll get the first error message and then nothing (Editor is not crashing)

    No, I can see that with Voloview, it tells me what are the missing
    references as well..

    Markku Lehtola, Jun 15, 2005
  5. Markku Lehtola

    BertM Guest


    I had the same error with a AutoCAD Drawing with no bitmappreview in
    I have opened the drawing in AutoCAD and saved it with a bitmap preview
    and the drawing started up oke.



    Markku Lehtola schreef:
    BertM, Jun 15, 2005
  6. No, I can manage...thanks anyway.
    Markku Lehtola, Jun 15, 2005
  7. I thought the whole idea of DWGEditor was to get rid of the Acad...:)
    Markku Lehtola, Jun 15, 2005
  8. Markku Lehtola

    BertM Guest

    You are right, but there are some bugs in the DWGEditor( which I have
    submitted to my VAR)
    Try to open a DWGEditor DXF File into AutoCAD 2000, It will not work.
    So do not get rid of your (old)AutoCAD program.
    I use 2000 with DWGGateway to translate the new (2004/2005) DWG files.
    Maybe the DWGEditor is better in SW 2006 :)

    BertM, Jun 16, 2005
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