DWG import/conversion

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by engr-D, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. engr-D

    engr-D Guest

    I am having a couple of issues with dwg import/conversion:
    1. When I import a .dwg to a .slddrw, any layers I unselect in the
    "Drawing Layer Mapping" window are imported as hidden. The SWKS help
    indicates that only the selected layers will be imported - (therefore
    the unselected layers would not be imported?). I seem to remember in
    previous versions (pre-2007) that the unselected layers would not be
    imported? Did something change or has it always been this way. (Only
    a problem importing to drawings - unselected layers are not imported
    to parts)
    2. When I save a .slddrw as a .dwg, the resulting .dwg shows all the
    layers visible. Since I have extra hidden layers from my .dwg import,
    I now have a .dwg with a lot of extra garbage visible.

    We use this often to update our old 2D drawings as needed (retrofits,
    etc) so that we can get a current titleblock, BOM and updated notes,
    without having to model any of the old data.

    Is there a better way to control the layers? Is this a bug in 2007?
    Or am I just going to have to manually delete the layers on my
    drawings each time unless I write a macro to do it? We have a lot of
    legacy data that we handle this way, and since most of the engineers
    here don't know ACAD (not necessarily a bad problem to have), I can't
    reasonably expect anyone to use DWGEditor.
    engr-D, Jun 5, 2007
  2. engr-D

    briancad Guest

    When I import a .dwg to a .slddrw, any layers
    Have you got blocks in your ACAD drawings that contain entities on the
    layers you don't want to import?

    briancad, Jun 6, 2007
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