DWG export files behave strange in AutoCAD

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Walther Mathieu, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. Hi,

    has anybody experienced or worked around this problem:

    DWG export files change dramatically as soon as they are
    loaded into ACAD and the first modify command is issued -
    line thickness vanishes and all lines become equal, measures
    change to nominal values, tolerances are gone, details are
    lost... those files are not suitable for any work in ACAD.

    Btw, the ProE Version used is still 2000i2 - and newer ones
    are not available, so please don´t recommend any upgrade.


    Walther Mathieu, Sep 25, 2003
  2. Walther Mathieu

    Alex Sh. Guest


    You might have inadvertently changed some export setting. I've never had
    anything like this in 2000i, 2000i2, or 2001. I don't have 2000i2 loaded on
    my computer anymore, but if I have time I'll try to experiment with export
    from 2001 (I don't think it changed much, if at all, from 2000i2).
    By the way, why do you need line thickness in ACAD? I've worked with it for
    nearly a decade, and the de-facto standard had always been to 'color-code'
    line thickness, i.e., to assign different pen widths to different colors in
    the plot configuration dialog.
    Also, files I've exported from ProE into AutoCAD had always lost all
    dimension associativity (dimensions came across as simple blocks). That has
    been very inconvenient from time to time, but it certainly never gave ACAD
    any chance to change the dimension style.
    Could it be that this is what is happening? You have dimension styles
    defined in your ACAD drawing template that override the settings of Pro/E
    Alex Sh., Sep 26, 2003
  3. Is it a 2D- or a 3D-file? If it is 2D try DXF instead of DWG.

    If it is a 3D-file than you have to search for the cause of the problem
    in ACAD. Is it possible that the details and informations you are
    missing are located on different layers?
    Johannes Pietsch, Sep 28, 2003
  4. It is 2D (Drawing) and DXFs make no difference when imported.
    How do I force elements of ProE Drawings to arise on specific layers
    in ACAD (if not by color)? Even in 2000i2?

    Walther Mathieu, Sep 28, 2003
  5. I don´t know if there are handles anywhere on the ProE side to change the
    behaviour of exported drawings... the (bad) effect that shows up came with
    V20, too (I found some DWG exports I made long ago which do the same).
    You mean the ACAD plot configuration dialog, right? Until recently I had no
    opportunity to experiment with that because there was no ACAD here at all.
    I would be glad to know how to force exported drawings to behave correctly!

    Geometry is white and nearly everything else ist yellow in ProE _and_ in DWG
    when imported into ACAD, too. ProE Drawings are pieces of art, but whenever
    one tries to modify the exported DWG (esp. text) the result is desastrous...
    If it only were for associativity! Measures loose tolerances, increase size,
    into horizontal and change position, always have four decimal digits and in some

    cases even do not show the correct value (fractions of mm away from that).
    Yes, I guess it is something like that... but those drawing template definitions
    ACAD are the default ones that come with ACAD 2000. To my customer, who
    works with nothing but ACAD (also with the default settings) it is annoying that

    my drawings cause a lot of additional work.

    Whenever one tries to modify text there is nothing but brackets <> in the input
    dialog and afterwards there is that ugly ACAD dimension style, stripped of all
    informazion that is important for machining of parts...

    Thank you very much for your help so far and if you ever find out something
    about how to keep the worthy part of ProE dimensioning in ACAD imports it
    would be very, very helpful!

    Walther Mathieu, Sep 28, 2003
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