DWG editor

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ben Eadie, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    Ok I have a DXF I am redoing. I have it open in DWG editor and cut and
    paste the Sketches I want into sketches in SW but each friggin time I do
    this the 2d to 3d toolbar pops up. How do I stop this annoyance?

    Ben Eadie, Jul 6, 2006
  2. Ben Eadie

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Close your eyes?

    Don't think it's possible. It's just another one of those little
    things where SolidWorks knows better than you how to do things.

    Chris Dubea, Jul 10, 2006
  3. Ben Eadie

    Brian Guest

    I, in general, don't find that toolbar to be of any use. Here is how I
    fixed the annoyance. With the offending toolbar showing, right click the
    toolbar area and chose "customize". Then drag all the icons from the
    toolbar into open space, removing them. That leaves you with a 2d to 3d
    toolbar that is only one square in size. I then docked it so that only its
    seperator shows on screen. Never notice its there now.
    Brian, Jul 10, 2006
  4. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    That will work
    Tank ewe

    Ben Eadie, Jul 10, 2006
  5. Ben Eadie

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Thank you for providing a significantly more helpful response than the
    one I posted.

    It's just sometime the things that are forced upon us by Concord get
    under my skin a bit.

    Chris Dubea, Jul 11, 2006
  6. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest


    Anyone who has used SW longer than a day has found more than one
    annoyance. It is a part of the SW beast that all of us just have to get
    used to, shouldn't have to but we do.....

    Ben Eadie, Jul 11, 2006
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