DWG Cleanup - Zero Length Plines & Text

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Oberer, Mar 24, 2005.

  1. Oberer

    Oberer Guest

    i'm working on some code that will remove lines / polylines with zero length from the dwg, as well as (m)text objects that are null.

    The text piece has been handled. I'm having trouble getting the length of the polyline. After searching the ng and google, i'm still at square one.
    My problem is figuring out how to iterate thru the coords collection.
    Would someone please point me in the right direction?


    zero length deletion:
    Private Sub delete_zero_length()
    Dim mySS As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
    Dim grpCode(0 To 4) As Integer
    Dim dataVal(0 To 4) As Variant
    Dim intLineCtr As Integer
    Dim oLayer As AcadLayer
    Dim bIsLocked As Boolean
    Dim FUZZ As Double
    Dim dblPlineLength As Double
    Dim dblTempDist As Double
    Dim Coords As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    FUZZ = 0.0001
    ' Build a selection set of group codes and values to filter for: Text or Mtext.
    grpCode(0) = -4
    dataVal(0) = "<OR"
    grpCode(1) = 0
    dataVal(1) = "LINE"
    grpCode(2) = 0
    dataVal(2) = "LWPOLYLINE"
    grpCode(3) = 0
    dataVal(3) = "POLYLINE"
    grpCode(4) = -4
    dataVal(4) = "OR>"
    'build selection set of (m)text entities
    'Set mySS = BuildSelectionSet("Select TEXT or MTEXT to switch:", grpCode, dataVal)
    Set mySS = vbdPowerSet("$TEMP$")
    mySS.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , grpCode, dataVal
    'mySS.SelectOnScreen grpCode, dataVal
    Dim PT1(1) As Variant
    Dim PT2(1) As Variant
    For Each oEnt In mySS
    If TypeOf oEnt Is AcadLine Then
    If oEnt.length < FUZZ Then
    Set oLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers(oEnt.Layer)
    'Debug.Print oLayer.Name
    bIsLocked = oLayer.Lock
    oLayer.Lock = False
    UpdateStatus "Deleting Zero Length P/Line found on: " & oLayer.Name
    oLayer.Lock = bIsLocked
    Set oLayer = Nothing
    intLineCtr = intLineCtr + 1
    End If
    ElseIf TypeOf oEnt Is AcadPolyline Then
    Coords = oEnt.Coordinates
    For i = LBound(Coords) To UBound(Coords) Step 4
    PT1(0) = Coords(i)
    PT1(1) = Coords(i + 1)
    PT2(0) = Coords(i + 2)
    PT2(1) = Coords(i + 3)
    dblTempDist = dblTempDist + getDistance(PT1, PT2)
    ElseIf TypeOf oEnt Is AcadLWPolyline Then
    Coords = oEnt.Coordinates
    For i = LBound(Coords) To UBound(Coords) Step 2
    PT1(0) = Coords(i)
    PT1(1) = Coords(i + 1)
    PT2(0) = Coords(i + 2)
    PT2(1) = Coords(i + 3)
    dblTempDist = dblTempDist + getDistance(PT1, PT2)
    dblPlineLength = dblTempDist
    If dblPlineLength = 0 And oEnt.Area = 0 Then
    Set oLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers(oEnt.Layer)
    'Debug.Print oLayer.Name
    bIsLocked = oLayer.Lock
    oLayer.Lock = False
    oEnt.Color = acGreen
    oLayer.Lock = bIsLocked
    Set oLayer = Nothing
    intLineCtr = intLineCtr + 1
    End If
    End If
    Me.lblDeletedLineCount.Caption = CStr(intLineCtr)
    End Sub
    text deletion:
    Private Sub Delete_All_Empty_Text()
    Dim mySS As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
    Dim grpCode(0 To 3) As Integer
    Dim dataVal(0 To 3) As Variant
    Dim intLineCtr As Integer
    Dim oLayer As AcadLayer
    Dim bIsLocked As Boolean
    ' Build a selection set of group codes and values to filter for: Text or Mtext.
    grpCode(0) = -4
    dataVal(0) = "<OR"
    grpCode(1) = 0
    dataVal(1) = "TEXT"
    grpCode(2) = 0
    dataVal(2) = "MTEXT"
    grpCode(3) = -4
    dataVal(3) = "OR>"
    'build selection set of (m)text entities
    'Set mySS = BuildSelectionSet("Select TEXT or MTEXT to switch:", grpCode, dataVal)
    Set mySS = vbdPowerSet("$TEMP$")
    mySS.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , grpCode, dataVal
    For Each oEnt In mySS
    If TypeOf oEnt Is AcadText Or TypeOf oEnt Is AcadMText Then
    If Trim(oEnt.TextString) = vbNullString Then
    Set oLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers(oEnt.Layer)
    'Debug.Print oLayer.Name
    bIsLocked = oLayer.Lock
    oLayer.Lock = False
    UpdateStatus "Deleting text found on: " & oLayer.Name
    oLayer.Lock = bIsLocked
    Set oLayer = Nothing
    intLineCtr = intLineCtr + 1
    End If
    End If
    Me.lblDeletedTextCount.Caption = CStr(intLineCtr)
    End Sub
    Oberer, Mar 24, 2005
  2. Hi,

    With the Coords variable you could do something like for a LW Polyline. The
    normal Polyline will require a change to allow for the Z dimension. Note
    that you can also delete zero length lines/arcs/polylines with a scripted
    Map query.

    Dim dTolerance as Double
    dTolerance = 0.000001
    For i = lbound(Coords) to Ubound(Coords) -3 Step 2
    If Abs(Coords(i + 2) - Coords(i)) > dTolerance Then Goto
    If Abs(Coords(i + 3) - Coords(i + 1)) > dTolerance Then Goto
    Next i

    There is a chance this will leave a polyline behind if it consists of a set
    of vertices all less than your tolerance apart.


    Laurie Comerford

    length from the dwg, as well as (m)text objects that are null.
    the polyline. After searching the ng and google, i'm still at square one.
    Laurie Comerford, Mar 24, 2005
  3. Oberer

    Oberer Guest

    Thanks for the quick reply :)
    I found a function to determine the length of a polyline here at the ng.
    However, the delete method no longer works??

    dblPlineLength = LenPoly(oEnt)
    If dblPlineLength < FUZZ Then
    Set oLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers(oEnt.Layer)
    'Debug.Print oLayer.Name
    bIsLocked = oLayer.Lock
    oLayer.Lock = False
    oEnt.Delete '<- this isn't working for plines now??
    oLayer.Lock = bIsLocked
    Set oLayer = Nothing
    length of a polyline:
    Function LenPoly(oPoly As AcadEntity) As Double
    'Get length of 3dPolyline or LWPolyline
    Dim objSel As AcadEntity
    Dim strName As String
    Dim varPt As Variant
    Dim objNewPL As AcadEntity
    Dim obj As AcadObject
    Dim Dis As Double
    Dim varPL As Variant
    Dim objArc As AcadArc
    Dim i As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    'make a copy and explode
    Set objNewPL = oPoly.Copy()
    varPL = objNewPL.Explode
    'loop exploded components and add lengths
    For i = 0 To UBound(varPL)
    Set obj = varPL(i)
    'arcs use different property
    If obj.ObjectName = "AcDbArc" Then
    Set objArc = obj
    Dis = Dis + objArc.ArcLength
    Dis = Dis + obj.Length
    End If
    Next i
    LenPoly = Dis
    End Function
    Oberer, Mar 24, 2005
  4. Oberer

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    What makes you think the delete isn't working? If it's because you still
    have a pline there when done, it's coming from the LenPoly function. There
    is no need to make a copy to explode, as the explode method leaves the
    original in place and adds the exploded entities......this function will add
    a double for every polyline you have.
    Jeff Mishler, Mar 24, 2005
  5. Oberer

    Oberer Guest

    I'm obviously unclear about how the explode method works.
    I was under the impression that the codes delete method would delete all objects in the array??

    the '<- lines are my questions about what's happening :)

    Set objNewPL = oPoly.Copy() '<-copy object
    varPL = objNewPL.Explode '<-placed exploded objects in an array

    'loop exploded components and add lengths
    For i = 0 To UBound(varPL)
    Set obj = varPL(i)
    'arcs use different property
    If obj.ObjectName = "AcDbArc" Then
    Set objArc = obj
    Dis = Dis + objArc.ArcLength
    Dis = Dis + obj.Length
    End If
    obj.Delete '<- delete object from array??
    Next i
    LenPoly = Dis
    Oberer, Mar 24, 2005
  6. Oberer

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    OK, You have the original Pline that is sent to the function.
    Next it is copied. Now you have 2 identical plines.
    Next the copied one is exploded. Now you have the 2 previous plines plus the
    individual lines/arcs.
    Now you cycle through the individual lines/arcs and delete them, this is OK.
    Now you exit the function with the length returned...........whoops, why is
    that second pline still there?
    Because the explode method does not act like the explode command! The method
    leaves the original intact and ADDS the individual parts. So, you see, the
    copy of the pline never needs to happen, or at least it must be deleted.....
    Jeff Mishler, Mar 24, 2005
  7. Oberer

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Shoot, hit the send key too soon......

    Just remove the line that copies and change the next line to explode the
    original pline and you'll be good to go.
    Jeff Mishler, Mar 24, 2005
  8. Oberer

    Oberer Guest

    "whoops, why is that second pline still there?
    Because the explode method does not act like the explode command! The method leaves the original intact and ADDS the individual parts. So, you see, the copy of the pline never needs to happen, or at least it must be deleted....."

    Thanks for sharing this Jeff. The NG is a wealth of good information.
    Oberer, Mar 25, 2005
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