DVB protection

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by News, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. News

    News Guest

    Hello all,
    Is there any way to stop the password cracking from DVB files ? It took
    about 1 second on google to find how to detect and remove it. I verified the
    procedure on several "protected" DVBs (i.e. a few from Dotsoft, etc.).

    Now, I want to distribute an app that I wrote that is a DVB and I would like
    to NOT have someone be able to do what I just did.

    Any ideas ?
    News, Mar 4, 2004
  2. No software is uncrackable, but where is the
    That's an odd statement Laurie. Why do companies reverse engineer software?
    To get the knowledge gleaned from seeing how to accomplish whatever the
    code was doing that you can't figure out yourself.
    Mike Tuersley, Mar 4, 2004
  3. News

    Joe Sutphin Guest

    Better known as copyright enfringement [i.e. stealing]
    Joe Sutphin, Mar 4, 2004
  4. Please HELP !!!

    I'm writing a VBA program, I have protected the dvb with password and , I believe by a mistake of the VBA, I cannot load the program anymore. I know the password, it accepts the password but then it cracks the vba ide and the AutoCAD as well. I am using AutoCAD 2004. What can I do to repair the file? I backed it up a week ago and don't want to start all over again.
    catalin_stefan, Jun 1, 2004
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