dvb, arx & vlx toolbar buttons

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Mayo, Aug 18, 2004.

  1. John Mayo

    John Mayo Guest

    I know how to get a lisp routine loaded & executed with a toolbar button [
    ^C^C(LOAD"LISP");lisp; ] but how can I get dvb's, arx's & vlx's to execute
    from a toolbar button?

    I prefer not to have some of these load into each drawing so I am staying
    away from the Startup Suite.

    John Mayo
    John Mayo, Aug 18, 2004
  2. John Mayo

    iwafb Guest


    Have you tried:

    (load "function.vlx")
    (load "function.fas")
    (arxload "function.arx" nil)

    As far as loading VBA routines, I don't have much expertise in this area. However, I would start by looking at the vbaload and vbarun commands and how to use them in a macro.

    iwafb, Aug 19, 2004
  3. John Mayo

    John Mayo Guest

    Thanks Dart. I now just need to find out how to get the dvb's to work in a
    toolbar button.


    However, I would start by looking at the vbaload and vbarun commands and how
    to use them in a macro.
    John Mayo, Aug 19, 2004
  4. John Mayo

    John Mayo Guest

    Thanks Luis, I'll give that a shot.


    John Mayo, Aug 19, 2004
  5. Hi Luis,

    The (vl-vbaload dvb) line is unnecessary

    (vl-vbrun "[ProgramPath/]ProgramName.dvb!MacroName") will both load (if
    necessary) and run the macro.

    The ProgramPath is needed if the file is not on the AutoCAD search path.
    It's a good idea to use it even if the file is on the AutoCAD search path,
    as the program can be found more quickly that way.

    I use a system like:

    (defun C:Hardwork()
    (vl-vbrun C:/Program Files/CADApps/Hardwork/Hardwork.dvb!Hardwork")

    This enables you to put Hardwork in a menu, or call it from the keyboard

    I put that code in the MNL file for my custom menu.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Aug 20, 2004
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