Duplicate postings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. My apologies to everyone that's noticed the duplicate posts coming from me.
    I post something here from my newsreader, and sometimes it doesn't show up
    in any reasonable amount of time. So then thinking that my other one is
    dead, I go to Google and post it there, and most of the time it shows up -
    not always, though. Then maybe a day or two later my other newsreader post
    shows up and I look like an idiot that is, well, an idiot.

    For quite some time I have been on a quest to see how long I can ride the
    free news server train, for the fun & challenge of it. I'm not ready to
    chuck it yet, but I just wanted to explain the strange posting pattern you
    have been seeing. Sorry - hopefully it will improve.

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 20, 2007
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    Guest Guest

    Wayne -

    I was forced to change news servers for a while. I refuse to pay for it, so
    I had been moving around like a nomad. Finding free readers is easy, but
    you usually can't post and every time I found one that you can post from, it
    worked great for a day or week, then die on me. That said, I finally found
    a nice free news reader that you can read and post, and the post show up
    within seconds.....Been happy with it, you just have to register, but their
    are no strings attached...If you want it might be something worth checking


    Guest, Mar 20, 2007
  3. I'm in - we'll see how this goes - thanks. (Tickets, ticket, please......)


    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 20, 2007
  4. That was fast - showed up here almost as fast as I could go back and check.
    Looks great so far.


    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 20, 2007
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