Dumb question...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dlevy, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. dlevy

    dlevy Guest

    I can't seem to undo in Solidworks (2004). I take a leap, try something,
    and I can't go back. I'm certainly learning how to fix my models however
    this is getting ridicoulous. In Autocad, I just typed "u" until I was back
    to the unchanged drawing.

    How do you save so that you can revert back? Should I be saving different
    versions? Why is this so difficult?
    dlevy, Mar 21, 2005
  2. Keep in mind that once you do a rebuild, Ctrl-Z doesn't go back before that
    point like AutoCad. So, in that respect, it's pretty limited. If I were
    making major changes with the thought I might want to go way back to some
    point, I would make several Save-as copies as I went.

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 21, 2005
  3. dlevy

    P. Guest

    SW undo and redo are becoming more and more limited in what they can do.
    P., Mar 22, 2005
  4. Undo is not consistent - for instance, you cannot undo after you open a
    sketch, edit it, and close out of it. However, you can undo if you use
    move/size features to move around blue geometry in a sketch, or if you
    double click the sketch and edit its dims on the screen.
    Edward T Eaton, Mar 22, 2005
  5. dlevy

    Todd Guest

    Undo only really works when your part has not undergone a rebuild. So,
    for instance, Undo works well in sketch mode -- you can back up several
    steps. But, after you have used the sketch in a feature (extrude,
    etc.) you can't undo back to the sketch steps. I've never paid exact
    attention to how it works, but once you learn how to edit features it
    becomes unnecessary to constantly undo.

    You need to learn how to edit your parts in SolidWorks. Forget about
    how AutoCAD works. Until you do, it's gonna dog you.


    Todd, Mar 22, 2005
  6. dlevy

    Bo Guest

    I have to agree with Wayne. In conceptual design, particularly, where
    you know you may come up with half a dozen possible ways to design
    something or some odd structure, I have always (regardless of CAD
    program, 2D or 3D) used "Save As" with a suffix, so I can always
    retreat to an older version.

    I have frequently asked CAD software designers why they can NOT put in
    an option on the Save command which allows the user to "Automatically"
    save with suffixes, so a new file is created with each Save or each
    Save As in a trouble free manor. I know this can be done rather easily
    (not to say their are not file relationship issues to contend with).

    It can save countless hours of time, when I reach a dead end, and
    realize I must retrace and redesign a complex part (or often parts) to
    a prior stage.

    Bo, Mar 22, 2005
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