dual Vth assignment with PKS

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Swamy Muddu, Mar 31, 2005.

  1. Swamy  Muddu

    Swamy Muddu Guest


    I am trying to do gate-level dual Vt assigment using PKS. I have two
    timing libraries corresponding to the low-leakage (High-VT) and
    high-performance (Low-VT). I read both these timing libraries into PKS
    and enable dual-Vt assignment mode. Ideally, the tool is supposed to
    replace cells on all "non-critial" (==> slack +ve) paths to high-VT
    cells. On timing-critical paths, the tool should insert leaky, but fast

    However, the tool is inserting high-VT cells only. There is no single
    low-VT cell in the design after synthesis. To force the tool to use
    low-VT cells, I tightened my timing constraints and prioritized area
    but the problem is still there.

    If you have run gate-level dual-Vth assignment in PKS before, did you
    come across these kinds of problems? Any pointers to webpages / docs
    would be useful.


    S Muddu
    Swamy Muddu, Mar 31, 2005
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