Dual screen in Microstation J

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Jacco, Oct 29, 2003.

  1. Jacco

    Jacco Guest

    Hi there!

    Just a minor problem. I want to use two monitors with Microstation J. I've
    installed the correct drivers for Windows2000 and everything works

    ....When I put in Microstation J the option "open 2 application windows'' on
    in the workspace--> preferences ---> GUI options, i can't drag the
    levelmanagerbox, the View attributesbox, the plot/printbox etc. from the
    main window (monitor) to the other window (monitor). All others Dialogboxes
    and Toolboxes are less resistant and I can put them everywhere i want.

    HELP!! (yes I know, this looks pathetic...) What am I doing wrong here?
    (except for not using V8 offcourse).

    Thank you for your attention.
    Jacco, Oct 29, 2003
  2. It is the same in v8

    Each dialog and window has a B-logo at top left. Click it and select "change
    Thomas Voghera, Oct 29, 2003
  3. Jacco

    Jacco Guest

    It works! Thanks a lot!!
    Jacco, Oct 30, 2003
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