Dual Dimensioning

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jason, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. Jason

    Jason Guest

    Can anybody help me out with dual dimensioning? I have an original print
    that is dimensioned in millimeters, but our QA department measures in
    decimal inches. So if I want to make a new print with dual dimensioning,
    how do I handle decimal places? Everything I've seen so far has the inch
    dimensions at one more decimal place than the millimeter dimensions. But
    how do I handle some tolerances then? For example, if the millimeter
    dimension is 1 +0/-0.1, how do I convert this to inches? One decimal place
    greater than the millimeter unit would be 0.0 +/-0.0. Or would it be one
    decimal place greater than the tolerance decimal places? This would give
    you 0.04 +/-0.00. But in order for it to make sense, I'd have to bring it
    out to 3 decimal places, so the inch dimension would be 0.039 +0.000/-.004.

    So, how many decimal places are correct?
    Jason, Aug 20, 2003
  2. Jason

    Michael Guest

    By far the easiest thing to do is measure the part in the unit it's
    made/designed in. Consider asking the QA guy to push the little inch/mm
    button on his measuring device. If he doesn't have such a button, seriously
    consider buying him some new tools--it'll be cheaper than doing the
    engineering to dual dimension everything.

    Unit conversion is fraught with issues, but at least in general terms,
    you're correct--the "converted unit" (inches in your case) needs extra
    decimal places to deal with round off error. I've been down the road you're
    starting out on, and it's not a pretty process--good luck.
    Michael, Aug 20, 2003
  3. Jason

    Jason Guest

    Yeah, I agree that would be the easiest thing to do, but getting QA to agree
    to that may be a challenge.

    If I can't do that, I'd still like to hear other people's input on the
    issue. Is there a "correct" number of decimal places to use?
    Jason, Aug 21, 2003
  4. Jason

    Sporkman Guest

    Jason, pardon me if I'm not understanding correctly -- but why get hung
    up on number of decimal places? The number of decimal places in BOTH
    English/Imperial and Metric units are only relevant relative to default
    tolerances (in your title block or in the original print's title
    block). It's generally true that if you use more decimal places than
    three or four (in English/Imperial units) it MAY cause QA to have some
    difficulty in verifying out to the extremes of the tolerances . . . but
    only if the parts to be measured vary toward close to the extremes. But
    if your company's QA department is so pig-headed that they refuse to
    take their English measurements and convert ("hey guys, can you multiply
    by 25.4 or do I have to do it for you?") then they rather deserve what
    they get in difficulties. Even considering my intolerance for their
    stupidities, if I were in your place I would round off tolerances to
    three decimal places most times . . . or four if I felt that that the
    tolerance was critical AND was already so tight that giving a slight bit
    more via more decimal places would help prevent rejecting GOOD parts.
    In your example (.039 +.000/-.004) I would just your conversion to be

    Don't confuse the forest for the trees. Keep in mind the purpose of
    tolerances and the purpose of QA (not so much to reject parts, but to
    accept parts which are acceptable) and you'll keep your priorities

    Sporkman, Aug 24, 2003
  5. Jason

    Jason Guest

    Great, thanks for your comments.

    Jason, Aug 25, 2003
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