DTM from Photogrammetry

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by tom, Jan 23, 2004.

  1. tom

    tom Guest

    I am trying to create a DTM from breaklines and points supplied by a
    photogrammetrist. I realize many of the inherent shortcomings to the
    process but I'm having a few problems with the product delivered from
    the photogrammetrist.
    A little background. 1) I don't know what type of stereoplotter the
    photogrammetrist is using. 2) All line work is being generated using
    Microstation 3) The project elevation ranges from 0m elevation to 80m
    4)All breaklines are supposed to be delivered as 3d polylines
    Here are the problems
    1) There are breaklines that are coming in at ridiculous elevations
    (ex.2400+ and -1300+)
    2) There are a lot of breaklines that are 2d polylines
    3) Many breaklines, especially at headwalls, are not being utilized by
    Autocad in the tin creation. I realize that vertical walls cannot be
    efficiently utilized, but these aren't being used at all.
    If anyone has any input as to either how these errors are being
    generated by the photogrammetrist or solutions....it will be greatly
    appreciated.Also- if anyone knows of a more appropriate group for this
    question- let me know.
    Thanks- Tom
    tom, Jan 23, 2004
  2. tom

    tom Guest

    Thanks for the direct approach! As far as an end product- a 3d model
    will be my end product. Traditionally, we specify that breaklines
    delivered will be 3d polylines. 2d polylines and even polylines
    w/elevations would be acceptable...but here's the situation:
    There are breaklines along a feature that are 3d polylines w/real
    world elevations at the vertices. But... in some places these lines
    are only either "lines" or 2d polylines (with outrageous elevations)
    When I use the Autocad command to list the lines, correct elevations
    are reported.
    When I use the LDD command to list the properties of the line, an
    erroneous elevation is reported (in the range of hundreds of thousands
    of meters).
    This is also what is actually being modeled...huge spikes in the
    Another photogrammetrist suggested that this happens when performing
    2d edits in Microstation.
    I can manually edit the breaklines, but this would be better performed
    by the photogrammetrist whom doesn't see any problem. So.... any
    ideas? Thanks again
    tom, Feb 2, 2004
  3. tom

    tom Guest

    I've been training for a few days. As mentioned earlier, all lines are
    either 2d polylines or generic lines. Both have the same problem
    though. Using vanilla cad to list the properties, the correst z value
    is reported. Using the LDD properties command, the erroneous z value
    is reported. All points have been converted to civil point objects,
    the drawing has been audited,and the breaklines were declared
    seperately than the points when building the model.I'm hoping to meet
    with the photogrammetrist to sort it all out. I'll look into the ARX
    (I really don't think that's the case).
    I'm thinking that the lines were created in two or three vertices
    intervals and then later joined (due to limited visibility through the
    canopy). For some reason, it appears that lines with less than four
    vertices tend to report erroneous z values....Has anyone else seen
    this or know why. This is not the first time that I've received
    breaklines from a MicroStation user and had this problem. Thanks- Tom
    tom, Feb 11, 2004
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