dtext in ACAD 06

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dneck, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. Dneck

    Dneck Guest

    I am trying to use dtext to label a several items in a drawing. In
    ACAD 04, and previous releases, once you were done typing your label,
    you could move the crosshairs somewhere else, pick that point, and
    ACAD would let you start typing at that point. For some reason the
    version of 06 that I am working with does not let you do that. When
    you try to click the next text location, it ends the dtext command.
    Is there a system variable that needs to be reset in order to make
    this work? Thanks.
    Dneck, Mar 8, 2007
  2. Dneck

    Pete Guest

    Look up the DTEXTED variable.

    Pete, Mar 9, 2007
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