drwg 3-D tubes w/ radii using extrude & pathcurve

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kgs, Nov 29, 2003.

  1. kgs

    kgs Guest

    Now I have 2002, and am not sure if this is possible yet. I tried it with
    R13, 14, if not others.

    Trying to draw (commonly manufactured) tubes (hollow) like an exhaust

    Something will not compute. Maybe something about multiple planes. Can't
    remember if at the pedit stage, or extrude, or how to work around.

    I'm trying:
    Drawing contiguous straight lines joined at ends in multiple planes, then
    adding radii, join them all together with Pedit, to use as a pathcurve.
    Then drawing circle(s) perpendicular at the end, and polyline as a pathcurve
    to extrude.

    I'd love to get to the bottom of this.
    kgs, Nov 29, 2003
  2. There is a TUBEX.LSP available on the Net which extrudes a circle along of lines drawn
    in 3D space. Lines must not be polylines, that's a condition of this routine. I use it
    (the lisp) for drawing different pipes in 3D quite often. Let me know if you have
    difficulties finding the lisp on the Net. I will E-mail you one.


    Igor Mironenko, Dec 3, 2003
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