Drop element Solid: What is "Smart Geometry & Bspline"? No very useful.

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by lbbss, May 9, 2006.

  1. lbbss

    lbbss Guest

    I could not find much info on the web on smart geometry. I was
    making some 3d shapes and when i dropped the solid element, part of it
    becames a smart geometry, part smart surface and part into a Bspline
    (I am familiar with bspline in autocad). I am trying to get some
    dimension from the smart element and bspline, but I am not sure if that
    is possible. I find it useful info doing flat layouts of fancy
    shapes by dropping element solid. Usually it gives me a arc or line,
    but when it ends up with a smart geometry or a bspline, it's of no use
    to me when it comes to getting dimensions of any type. Is there a
    way to convert the Bspline into lines or arcs (something more usable)?
    I found with the Bspline and smart geometry I can't use any Snaps. If
    some one can explain this to me, I would appreciate it. thanks.
    lbbss, May 9, 2006
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