Driving Design Tables from an Assembly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by KWSchneider, May 19, 2004.

  1. KWSchneider

    KWSchneider Guest


    I'm a novice with 2003 - I would like to drive a dimension in a part
    design table from a dimension derived from an equation in a master

    For example take a simple gusset

    My part design has a number of configurations for thickness, width,
    length, suppressed/unsuppressed end conditions. I would like to drive
    the length dimension in this DT from a reference dimension from
    another part.

    Currently, I have an equation at the assembly level which equates this
    dimension to the reference dimension in the part. However, the DT
    changes the dimension for ALL of the parts, so that other references
    for a part at the assembly level lose their length dimension.

    Do I need to create $configurations? This seems unreasonalbe because I
    would need to create a configuration for each instance and eliminate
    the benefit of the table.

    Can I refer to other parts in a DT? ie have a dimensional equation
    such as:

    =dim1 @ sketch1 @ part1 or whatever the proper construct is.

    Thanks for your help.

    NH, USA
    KWSchneider, May 19, 2004
  2. KWSchneider

    KWSchneider Guest

    I'm trying to develop a automated configurator for a fabrication that
    varies its geometry based on process conditions. A simple analogy
    would be a rectangular tank that changes its size based on volume,
    thruput and other operating conditions.

    Ultimately, I'll drive a dimension sketch for each wall from these
    variables and from these wall sketches, I'll need to drive the support
    structure including quantity and size of gusset, location etc, size of
    support pads for mounting, manhole location, overflow location, nozzle
    size and location, and other parameters that are driven by the
    geometry of the wall sketches/parts. Some of these are independent of
    the geometry so they are not a problem but those with geometric
    dependence need to be inter-related from each wall part/component.

    Perhaps, I should do this another way, and I'll be glad to try

    NH, USA
    KWSchneider, May 19, 2004
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