Driving a part's dimensions from another part

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SydDythers, May 6, 2006.

  1. SydDythers

    SydDythers Guest


    I am designing a model airplane and once completed, I would like to be
    able to have a separate part file that I can change certain dimensions
    such as wing span, fuselage length etc.... Basically I'd like to be
    able to scale the aircraft up or down.

    Thus when scaling the airplane, I'd like to have the parts
    automatically adjust based on the inputs from the main dimensions using
    the equations I have inserted into the various part files.

    Is this possible? How?


    SydDythers, May 6, 2006
  2. SydDythers

    SydDythers Guest

    Ok, thanks, that sets me down the proper path. What is still
    confounding me is how to link the skeleton dimensions to the various
    parts I have created. For example, I created a part of the fuselage
    box whose dimensions are all driven off a single input/dimension which
    in this case happens to be the length. If I change the length of this
    part, all the lightening holes and such get bigger or larger as a
    percentage of the length based on the equations I have set up. (of
    course material thickness is not derived from that input). Thus, I'd
    like "length" input to be driven off of the skeleton as a percentage of
    the length of the entire fuselage. So could you explain how I can link
    the "length" dimension to the overall skeleton length which has been
    created in an entirely different part file?

    Thanks again!

    SydDythers, May 6, 2006
  3. SydDythers

    SydDythers Guest

    I hate to sound like a complete newb idiot...but maybe I am! I just
    don't "get" what you just suggested intuitively. What I have done
    based on your previous post is create design tables for each part using
    excel. Thus I have linked all the crucial equations to one main design
    table that holds the overall specifications. This works pretty well
    (and is pretty cool by the way...thanks for the tip!). However, the
    only drawback is when I change a parameter in the main design sheet,
    things don't dynamically update with the other parts. I have to close
    all the parts windows up, reopen them and then open the embeded design
    sheet. Only then after I hit the rebuild in the assembly window do I
    see the results of the whole shebang.

    Thinking it would be easier to drive all of the dimensions in the
    assembly itself, I have tried to drop a design table intoit but the
    autopopulate feature doesn't seem to find anything to populate the
    sheet with even if I had removed the design table references from the
    parts themselves.


    SydDythers, May 7, 2006
  4. SydDythers

    SydDythers Guest

    Hi Dale,

    I have, on each part, one dimension that drives every other dimensionf
    the part. These 'other' dimensions are based on a formula that is
    typically a set percentage of the base dimension.

    The base dimension in each part is driven by a design table that I have
    also embedded in each part.

    In turn, these dimensions are driven off of a master design table I
    have created in excel.

    So if I change one parameter in excel (I.E. scale %) it will
    automatically change all the dimensions down to the equations I have
    created in SW. However, this does not happen in "real-time". I
    basically have to close the part and reopen it and then choose to edit
    the design table for each and then close it. Only then do the changes
    get reflected on the screen.

    This is ok I guess but there has got to be an easier way? I know how
    to do SW equations and formulas in Excel. "in-context sketch
    relations" and "envelope part(s)" are new to me.


    SydDythers, May 15, 2006
  5. SydDythers

    SydDythers Guest

    Hi Anna,

    No I am not THAT John :)

    I am just an individual trying to come up with some of his own designs.


    SydDythers, Jun 5, 2006
  6. SydDythers

    SydDythers Guest

    Wow Anna, that Rasterpus is a beauty. Is it still flying? What was
    the final weight?

    Here is my very first design, 28% Yak54. Not perfectly scale but I
    designed it with a view towards having it as nimble as possible. This
    design was also the first time I had utilized any CAD program
    (Autocad). I've since discovered Solidworks which obviously is way
    better for our needs.

    Here's a pic of the Yak:
    Also a short video of the maiden...the canopy fell off mid flight


    SydDythers, Jun 7, 2006
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