DRC Verification Problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Fazela, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. Fazela

    Fazela Guest

    Hi All,
    I am trying to run a DRC check on a layout placed and routed by Silicon
    Ensemble and imported back into Cadence icfb environment. I am using
    the TSMC 0.25micron library. When I try to run the Design Rule Check on
    the layout, I get the following messages:

    *Error* eval: undefined function - prependNCSUCDKInstallPath
    *Error* load: error while loading file -

    *Error* load: error while loading file - "*loadstring*"
    Errors exist in the rules file

    I just added the definition of the library tsmc25 in cds.lib. Also the
    layout from SE is also imported into this library. Is there something
    else I need to do like installing the library another way or something.

    I would greatly appreciate your help.

    Fazela, Jan 26, 2006
  2. I have to set the following shell environmental variables before
    starting icfb when using the NCSU PDK. The CDS_SITE variable has to
    point to the directory holding the PDK. I was working on a bug, so I
    just installed it locally. Usually, it is in some central location.

    setenv CDSINST `cds_root icfb`
    setenv CDS_Netlisting_Mode Analog
    setenv CDS_SITE ./ncsu_pdk
    setenv SKIP_CDS_DIALOG

    My cds.lib has entries as follows to get to the NCSU libraries I was
    using. You'll need different ones for TSMC.

    DEFINE NCSU_Analog_Parts ${CDS_SITE}/lib/NCSU_Analog_Parts
    DEFINE NCSU_TechLib_ami06 ${CDS_SITE}/lib/NCSU_TechLib_ami06
    Edward Kalenda, Jan 27, 2006
  3. Fazela

    Fazela Guest

    We have the NCSU libraries installed at one place as you said and I
    just added their paths into my own cds.lib file. I also set the
    environmental variables as you mention. But this still does not seem to
    solve the problem.
    I am unsure as to what else could go wrong.

    Fazela, Jan 28, 2006
  4. If all you can do is be pedantic and critical when someone is trying to
    help, perhaps you should go to some group devoted to flaming and leave
    those of us who are trying to help others alone. You are not funny,
    amusing, or cute. But you ARE worthy of being blacklisted. I hope that
    some day soon you will desperately need to ask a question of the person
    who knows more about Diva than anybody in the world. And he won't be
    able to hear you.
    Edward Kalenda, Jan 28, 2006
  5. Fazela

    fogh Guest

    Too bad... I was trying to be funny. I am not a native english speaker
    myself and value light hearted feedback when I make some mistake on the
    jargon. You do not, but I could not guess that upfront. Sorry if that
    upset you.

    I did not post on-topic at first because I do not use the NCSU PDKs,
    but I ll try to now to help Fazela.
    fogh, Jan 30, 2006
  6. Fazela

    fogh Guest


    diva does not see all the function definitions done by the NCSU
    initialisation in dfII.

    If the only function you need is prependNCSUCDKInstallPath() , you can
    type that function call in CIW, take the return value and paste it in
    your ruledeck in place of all the calls.

    If there are more undefined functions, you will have to put their
    definition in the ruledeck. For instance, if the NCSU initialisation
    starts at the library definition, you could add something like
    load(strcat(ddGetObj("tsmc25")->readPath "/libInit.il"))
    and if the head of initialisation is some cdsinit file, it would be
    something like
    load(strcat(getShellEnvVar("NCSU_PDK_BASEDIR") "/etc/system.cdsinit"))
    fogh, Jan 30, 2006

  7. Just to add to Ed's excellent post, there is one more thing to do before the
    NCSU kit will work.

    In the main folder of the PDK you will see the files ".cdsinit", ".cdsenv"
    and ".simrc".
    Create symbolic links to those from your working directory, e.g.

    ln -s /path/to/nscu-kit/.cdsinit .

    The ".cdsinit" file will perform all the NCSU setup magic and define the
    functions that are giving you the error messages.

    Hope this helps,
    Johannes Grad
    Johannes Grad, Feb 3, 2006
  8. Fazela

    Fazela Guest

    It worked..

    Fazela, Feb 6, 2006
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