Draworder & JPG's

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by RickW, Dec 8, 2004.

  1. RickW

    RickW Guest

    Using ACAD 2000. I've inserted a number of JPG's into a drawing and created drawing and text which needs to appear over the JPG's. I turn IMAGEFRAME on, use DRAWORDER to send the JPG to the back, turn IMAGEFRAME off and save the drawing.

    Problem: If I cause a REGEN or close and reopen the drawing, often the JPG moves back to the front, obscuring the overlaid drawing objects. Is there a way to lock the JPG into the background?
    RickW, Dec 8, 2004
  2. RickW

    C Witt Guest

    <snip> Using ACAD 2000 </snip>
    C Witt, Dec 8, 2004
  3. RickW

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    Forget DRAWORDER and grab the lisp code in the following message:

    R.K. McSwain, Dec 8, 2004
  4. RickW

    RickW Guest

    Thanks R.K. FLOAT.LSP seems to work. The JPG seems to be staying in the background now.
    RickW, Dec 9, 2004
  5. RickW

    Gordon Price Guest

    DrawOrder was a little squirly until R2004. The lisp R.K. mentions works, as
    does the ExpressTool DrawOderbyColor with the Handles option. Note that this
    breaks hatch associativity. Personally, I found a working DrawOrder to be
    worth the upgrade to R2004. It may be worth getting the 30 day demo of R2005
    and seeing what else it does for you. You may find it worth the upgrade. The
    automatic hatch behind boundary, and no snapping to hatches, are pretty high
    on my list too.

    Gordon Price, Dec 10, 2004
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