Drawings with Multi-Bodies

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Muggs, Mar 3, 2004.

  1. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Hello All,

    I almost never use Multi-Bodied parts, but I have on this occasion, and I
    need some help.
    I have a weldment using 6 bodies and I need to create drawings of each
    individual body, and I'm not having any luck figuring out how to do this.

    I'm sure that others have done this and can give me some pointers.

    Muggs, Mar 3, 2004
  2. Start a drawing and insert a view of the multi-body part. Then in the
    FeatureTree, hide the bodies you don't want to see in that view.

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 3, 2004
  3. Oops, sorry - not enough testing - that didn't work. Solution - make the
    wlmt an assy, then it's easy.

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 3, 2004
  4. Muggs

    Merry Owen Guest

    Quite simple - select 'Relative View' in the drg toolbar, select a view
    containing the weldment - this will open the part.
    Select the face of the body that you want as the front view, then select
    another face (use spin box to tell SW which face it is e.g. right, left,
    top, bottom, etc). When you select OK it will take you back to the drawing
    and show the desired body.
    If you want to put it on another sheet simply cut and paste it.
    Note that you will not be able to use 'insert model dimensions' and will
    have to dimension manually.

    If the part is round (so does not have a 2nd face to select), pick the body
    from the Feature Manager, RMB and select 'Insert into new part' - this
    creates a derived part that you can drop back into your drawing set and

    Once you get used to weldments you find them heaps quicker than creating an

    Maybe your local SW User Group could run a workshop on weldments and have a
    group sharing of weldment profiles.


    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Mar 4, 2004
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