Drawings in Swx 2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Eric Swartz, Nov 21, 2003.

  1. Eric Swartz

    Eric Swartz Guest

    Has anyone else noticed a significant decrease in speed when working
    in drawings w/ Swx 2004 (sp1.0) over 2003? We're running Dell
    Precision 360's, 1 GB RAM, 3 Ghz processors (HT off), Quaddro FX 500
    video adapters and Win XP SP1... and the performance in drawing mode
    is painfully slow (draft and high quality mode). Draft is better...
    but still rediculously slow. Click a view... count to two and it
    lights up.

    I've tried different video driver versions (Nvidia 43.51 - Solidworks
    approved, and 43.54) and it made no difference. Open GL performance
    is optimized for Solidworks also. Part and assembly mode is great...
    drawing mode sucks!

    Any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have many
    frustrated users blaming me for upgrading them. :)


    Eric Swartz
    Eric Swartz, Nov 21, 2003
  2. It's been said before but bears repeating. Until this is fixed, turn off
    "Show contents when dragging drawing view".

    Richard Doyle, Nov 24, 2003
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