
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mark, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. mark

    mark Guest


    AutoCAD opens with Drawing1.dwg
    loaded up in the application...
    is there a setting, where it will open up
    just the application itself, without any document
    loaded into it.
    forcing the user to create new, w./ a template
    or open an existing drawing.

    mark, Apr 8, 2004
  2. File > Save As (save to the folder you want with the name you want)

    Keep going
    Kevin R. Knox, Apr 8, 2004
  3. mark

    mark Guest

    the default template name does that,
    (in the options/ files/ default template file name)
    what i need is autocad to open without
    a drawing loaed up in the application.

    i was thinkig of closing the active doc at startup,
    if the drawing name is Drawing1.dwg,
    since all the subsequent ones are Drawing2 3 etc.

    am i making sence?

    mark, Apr 8, 2004
  4. mark

    Tom Smith Guest

    In Options, under System, select "show startup dialog box." This will start
    AutoCAD without a drawing loaded, and give you the choice to open an
    existing drawing or start a new one.
    Tom Smith, Apr 8, 2004
  5. mark

    BillZ Guest

    If your users have to manually open a specified drawing anyway what's the difference?
    As long as they don't try to save the default drawing1 to anything.

    BillZ, Apr 8, 2004
  6. mark

    mark Guest

    thanks, i think i can live with it...

    mark, Apr 8, 2004
  7. mark

    Tom Smith Guest

    If your users have to manually open a specified drawing anyway what's the

    A session opens faster without the unwanted empty document, and you don't
    have an extra window to close. They'll still get the default drawing1 if
    they cancel out of the startup dialog.
    Tom Smith, Apr 8, 2004
  8. I personally like it opening a drawing. I use it as a scrapbook for the
    days work.

    Daniel Bennett, Apr 9, 2004
  9. mark

    Ian A. White Guest

    The reason that AutoCAD always opens a drawing is because this is needed
    to fully initialise the program. For one, ACAD.LSP (or ACADDOC.LSP) is
    only executed when a drawing is opened so if no drawing is opened, then
    routines that might be necessary for a particular system to operate as
    desired will not be loaded.

    If you make no changes to the unnamed drawing with the suggested name of
    Drawing1.dwg, and open an existing drawing, it will be discarded and you
    will be left with the existing drawing you have opened.
    Ian A. White, Apr 9, 2004
  10. mark

    madcadd Guest

    Hi Ian,

    The original poster (mark) never said what version AutoCAD he was referring to.

    Posted by: mark
    Date: Apr/08/04 - 11:06 (CDT) NEW!


    Then Tom said he'd have an extra window to close.

    Reply From: Tom Smith
    Date: Apr/08/04 - 15:03 (CDT)

    Then you said.

    Reply From: Ian A. White

    And I just want to say you are both correct depending on the version in question. R14, created multiple sessions and therefore you had an extra window to close. R2000 and above acts as you describe it.

    I encounter this situation often as I am constantly switching between R14 and 2002. But it is so fast either way that it really is not an annoyance.
    madcadd, Apr 10, 2004
  11. mark

    Tom Smith Guest

    I personally like it opening a drawing.

    Fine, but the post didn't ask for opinions, it asked how to open Acad
    without a drawing open.
    Tom Smith, Apr 12, 2004
  12. mark

    Tom Smith Guest

    The reason that AutoCAD always opens a drawing is

    As I told the poster, if the startup dialog is enabled, AutoCAD starts with
    no drawing loaded, and the dialog will prompt the user to open an existing
    drawing or start a new one. If you cancel the dialog, a default drawing1
    will open, and at that point it's the same as if the dialog wasn't enabled.

    Enabling the dialog doesn't "force" the user to avoid drawing1, but it does
    encourage the user to choose from the dialog's options.
    Tom Smith, Apr 12, 2004
  13. mark

    Tom Smith Guest

    As stated, this has been true since A2K. The behavior was different before the multiple document interface -- but that was five versions ago. I would think it's safe to assume that anyone posting in the customization group is asking about a near-cuurent version, and would specify if the question goes that far back.
    Tom Smith, Apr 13, 2004
  14. mark

    madcadd Guest

    Hi Tom,

    re: your 5th post;

    Reply From: Tom Smith
    Date: Apr/12/04 - 20:36 (CDT)

    Re: Drawing1

    But your 2nd post does ONLY apply to R14 and earlier.

    Reply From: Tom Smith
    Date: Apr/08/04 - 15:03 (CDT)

    Re: Drawing1

    Why is this R14 or earlier? Because R14 opens MULTIPLE sessions where R2000 and above opens one session with MULTIPLE dwgs. With R14, you do have an extra dwg to close, but R2000 you don't. When you initially open a dwg in in 2000+, you get the blank generic, drawing 1. When you open any other dwg, the drawing 1 is OVER-WRITTEN. There is no extra dwg to close.

    Then I replied with;
    So Tom, why would I assume .... anything here?

    And here is your 1st reply;

    Reply From: Tom Smith
    Date: Apr/08/04 - 12:59 (CDT)

    Re: Drawing1
    Is there anything wrong with this? Absolutely not, it's a matter of personal preference. I don't use it as it takes longer and as I stated before, I normally dblclick to open a dwg. I use the 'new' very infrequently.

    Tom, I know you know what you are talking about. I am only spelling out the differences between R14 and higher.
    madcadd, Apr 13, 2004
  15. mark

    Tom Smith Guest

    I'm sorry if I've confused you. I've been speaking about ONLY the multiple
    document interface, and only about launching Acad from the icon, not by
    double-clicking a drawing. And I've been speaking only in response to the
    original question, not stating my personal preferences. Go back and read
    what he asked for.

    He says Acad starts with an empty drawing, and he wants to skip that and go
    straight to choosing "open" or "new." So I told him how. In terms of speed,
    2004 and previous MDI versions will get you into an AutoCAD session
    faster -- after clicking the icon -- by using the startup dialog, because
    you don't have to wait for the unwanted empty draing to load, with all
    lisps, menus, etc., before you can make the choice of "open" or "new." If
    that's where you are heading anyway, it saves time to go straight to the
    dialog and skip the emtpy drawing load. This isn't relevant if you start
    Acad by double-clicking a file, as I often do.
    Tom Smith, Apr 13, 2004
  16. mark

    madcadd Guest

    Didn't confuse me Tom. But I must have confused you. People don't read carefully enough. All I did was explain the difference between 14 and NDI as you call it. Ians' post was the best as far as clarity goes.

    Reply From: Ian A. White
    Date: Apr/09/04 - 16:57 (CDT)

    Re: Drawing1

    If you make no changes to the unnamed drawing with the suggested name of Drawing1.dwg, and open an existing drawing, it will be discarded and you will be left with the existing drawing you have opened.<<
    madcadd, Apr 13, 2004
  17. mark

    mark Guest

    what i ended up doing is...
    1- if the drawing is existing, no problem, the open option was used
    2- if the user selects cancel, then immediately set sdi to 0 and close
    3- if the user selects a valid template, then all is OK, but of course i
    to go into the trouble of SAVEAS the drawing to a new name.

    interesitngly enough in the case 2 above, any subsequent cancels, will
    actually be a cancel (nothing happens) and not AutoCAD opening a

    i wish there was an option where one would type the new
    drawing name in the new dialog box, the equivalent of
    new-drawing-name=template name
    like the good old days R12 and below

    thanks for your help
    BTW i am on A2k4/5
    mark, Apr 14, 2004
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