Drawing views are on an angle, how to change?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by richms, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. richms

    richms Guest

    I have made a cad model of a table, which will be made from 12mm
    sheets of MDF, naturally some of the panels are not at 90° to each
    other in the model.

    When those ones are placed into a drawing, they come in with the angle
    they are in the assembly at rather then being shown as they would be
    flat against the page. I am trying to get all the items onto one
    drawing so I can make a cutting plan for how the panels are cut from a

    How do I change the drawing view so the top and side views are from
    the correct angles, that is oblique to the surface of each part,
    rather then the axis that the assembly has.

    All the parts were made in assembly, and when opened individually the
    XYZ axis are showing as having the same angles as the parts get when
    put into the drawing. So I am guessing that resetting the part to the
    axis in each part file would do the trick.

    I am using solidworks 2007 if that matters.

    richms, Jul 1, 2008
  2. richms

    clay Guest

    Click on the face you want up, space bar, *Normal To...
    Space bar, click on New View and name it. Refer to that view when
    placing in drawing.
    If you need something other than *Normal to..., add a plane in the view
    you need, click on it, space bar, *Normal to... etc.
    clay, Jul 1, 2008
  3. richms

    richms Guest

    Thanks, that sorts out the view of square onto the large side of the
    panel, but when I normal to the top edge of the panel so I can
    dimension the angles the sides are cut at, it normals to it with the
    board on an angle, I cant seem to create a view with the profile of
    the board horizontal across the screen or the page. This isnt a biggie
    but it would make the resulting drawing look nicer if all the boards
    were horizontal. I cant seem to rotate the drawing either.


    richms, Jul 2, 2008
  4. richms

    richms Guest

    Actually, after restarting solidworks allign seems to be working to
    its all taken care of.
    richms, Jul 2, 2008
  5. richms

    MGR@Martin Guest

    First of all, when starting design of parts direct in assy. you don't
    know how they are placed regarding XYZ, so what we are doing is always
    to start the design in the part and then insert them in the assy and
    end the design there.
    BUT anyway, instead of creating a new view in the part, you can
    directly rotate the view in the drawing by an angle (if it is
    Pick the view > right click > Zoom/Pan/Rotate > Rotate view and enter
    the rotation angle.

    MGR@Martin, Jul 2, 2008
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