Drawing view ref

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. Something I find myself desiring to do once in a while is change the model
    that a drawing view is referencing.

    Say I have a drawing of a part and then later realize that the part has to
    have something added to it like a PEM nut. So the part in the model now
    becomes an assy, and I either want the part drawing to change to depict the
    assy instead, or I want to copy the drawing to the new part number and just
    change the model. Rather than starting over with a new drawing, it would be
    nice to be able to just tell a drawing view to look at a different model

    Anyone know of a way, or is this going to have to be an enhancement request?

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 8, 2005
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    CS Guest

    You can but not from a part to an assembly.

    Close the file.

    Find the file
    Select it
    click REFERENCES button
    Point it to a new file.

    Going from parts that are created off of eachother (SaveAs) this saves
    alot of detail time. I use it all the time.
    CS, Apr 8, 2005
  3. Oh, yeh, I forgot about finding references, but why not also allow an

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 8, 2005
  4. Wayne Tiffany

    CS Guest

    I agree it seems if the origional part is within the assembly you could
    keep any references to it I suppose the orientation could be an issue

    CS, Apr 11, 2005
  5. Wayne Tiffany

    Waligora, R Guest

    You all,

    Please watch out in SW2005 SP 2.0 with the click references button when
    opening an assemly with new parts to reference. I did this, just like
    I used to do and bizzare things started happening. I sent this to our
    VAR and they confirmed that this method is broken.

    Specifically, I had a simple assembly of three parts. I SavedAs the
    assembly with the copy checkbox checked to a new name.

    Then I opened each of the parts individually and SavedAs to a new
    folder and new name (with the checkbox checked). This all could have
    been done using SWExplorer, but with a simple assembly, I usually don't
    waste the time.

    Anyway, then I open the SavedAs assembly but change the REFERENCES
    first by editing each of the file strings to locate the newly saved as
    parts. The assembly opens up with the correct parts, but the original
    assembly has been changed also. Note that the original assembly was
    never closed, so somehow the parts were changed in the original
    assembly also when I changed the file path string in the other

    Like I said, bizzare stuff that didn't used to happen.
    Waligora, R, Apr 12, 2005
  6. Wayne Tiffany

    CS Guest

    You know I did similar on 2004 SP 4.2 Save as and change the references
    while savingAs. One time it seemed to work fine but the next time I
    tried it it seems to have over written the origional referenced file.
    Anyway I thought I had done something wrong since It was actually the
    first time I tried to do it at this junction. Normally I save as copy
    open the copy and change the references while opening. I had no
    problems doing it this way.

    CS, Apr 12, 2005
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