Drawing Productivity SW2004 ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bill allemann, Dec 23, 2003.

  1. Maybe many of the advanced users don't do drawings much, but I was wondering
    what others think of drawing productivity (sw2004SP1)? I'm doing
    my first fixture assembly drawing set in sw2004 and I am very concerned
    about productivity. Last summer I timed a group of common procedures on
    sw2003 vs 2001+ and, on average, the time to perform them over doubled. My
    VAR did the usual denial dance and referred to specific gimmick additions
    (draft mode, light weight, blah, blah), but refused to discuss stopwatch
    evidence on specific processes.
    Now, I did the same thing on sw2004 vs 2003, and again, the time more than
    I'm presently working with a small prismatic assembly that should do
    everything in a blink. Resizing views, placing notes, moving dims,
    addressing properties, almost anything, is so slow that half the time I
    think the machine has locked up.
    Instead of discussing my machine, please note that I still have 2001+ loaded
    on this machine, and I have some similar old fixtures that haven't been
    upgraded, and to no surprise, they do indeed run in a comparitive blink.
    At this time, I don't feel that I can risk running sw2004 on a larger
    project that is to be underway in a few weeks. I would estimate my time to
    create a fully detailed drawing set at over double the hours that was
    required in sw2001+. This is, of course, a serious hit on project design
    cost. I'm actually considering reverting my library files back to 2001
    (I've fortunately kept copies separate from upgrading and all I would lose
    is some recent models).
    I took a class in UG a couple of years ago and decided the primitive
    interface (v18, I think) would have hurt my productivity too much. Sw2001+
    was current at that time. Now, I'm starting to wonder.
    In my business, I think I'll continue to need drawings, and if something
    doesn't change, I don't think I can stay with swx.

    I guess my questions are:
    Do you think swx has thown in the towel on having a productive drawing
    How are some other MCAD brands doing on this?

    Not whining, just opining :)
    bill allemann, Dec 23, 2003
  2. bill allemann

    Jim Sculley Guest

    bill allemann wrote:

    I don't think it is just drawings. It is *very* noticeable there
    though. Sketches are next on the list. Click a dimension, wait half a
    second for the property manager to rebuild/repaint/reinvent itself, then
    proceed. Multiply this by the number of selections you make in an
    average day and it makes the whole process feel like walking through
    Alaskan molasses. My 400MHz Pentium II running SW2001 was more
    responsive than the 2GHz machine running SW2003 or SW2004.

    Jim S.
    Jim Sculley, Dec 23, 2003
  3. bill allemann

    matt Guest


    My first assumption is that this is something that can be controlled,
    whether that assumption is justified or not remains to be seen.

    I'm interested in what specific settings you are using. I know you're
    pooh-poohing what the reseller said, but the settings are there for a
    reason. A lot of people are complaining about this speed issue, and if
    we can get a better understanding of why it's happening, maybe we can
    get some folks back on track.

    Is there some way for you to post the drawing so we can check the
    settings? There are document, view and sheet settings, and it might be
    tough to go through and list them all.

    Anyway, I'm curious about this. I've seen views of assemblies with
    thousands of parts created quickly. What is your assembly like? How
    many parts of what kind (sheetmetal, thin parts, complex shapes,
    rectangular/cylindrical, etc) and how many parts? What kind of views
    are you making, and how many? How many sheets? Do you see the same
    thing if you remake the same drawing from a sw04 template instead of
    just reading in the old file? Do you have a lot of sketch entities or
    imported Acad data? Is the automatic solve sketch setting turned off?
    Tons of questions.

    matt, Dec 23, 2003
  4. Yes Jim, I agree that the problem isn't just with drawings. Just an
    extrude of a very simple sketch has a noticeable and significant lag to it
    Your analogy about your old machine running sw2001 is right on the mark.
    Same thing here!
    I think that swx is implementing a new gadget that 1 out of 20 people use 1
    time a week,
    and while getting that gadget functioning, they increase the process time by
    3X on something that
    100% of the people use 80 times a day (sketching). Maybe they don't do the

    With all due respect to Matt's post below, I don't have the time or
    to do major sessions of software analysis upon each release to eke out some
    productivity. The software should default load as fast as it can be. If we
    need things that slow it down,
    they should be nondefault settings. If an older drawing template bogs it
    down, that's a bug. Test, test, test.

    bill allemann, Dec 23, 2003
  5. bill allemann

    Krister L Guest


    I see the same thing here....a view containing thousands of parts is created
    very fast ...BUT...make a few section cuts and add a few sheets ...it will
    slow down the performance to a major PITA. Just moving a very simple view
    took 40 sec and adjusting a dimension just about the same time. At last, he
    only thing that helps is to save, close and reopen the drawing. My VAR tells
    me it's going to be fixed in Sp2 and I sure hope they are right, coz is is
    no fun at all.


    matt <m_lombard@frontier_net.net> skrev i
    diskussionsgruppsmeddelandet:[email protected]
    Krister L, Dec 23, 2003
  6. bill allemann

    Jeff N Guest

    now I know you're not referring to the Duratek final assembly drawings....

    I do agree that it's good that you direct attention to the settings first as
    they can often be the culprit, but from my experiences there is some
    definite lag comparing 2004 to prior releases. I hate to say it, but I just
    threw in the towel on drawings. Yup, that's right. Jeff is done complaining
    about drawings (for now). Fortunately, I now work for a company that does
    smaller assemblies.
    Until the whole mechanical 3D world starts caring about drawings (and
    playing the drawing command numbers game) you will notice that the drawing
    component of CAD software will always be lacking (flame suit = on).
    But this won't happen until modeling feature #1346744 has been fully
    expanded upon. :p
    In other words, there isn't much marketing leverage touting about new
    drawing features.
    Jeff N, Dec 23, 2003
  7. bill allemann

    Merry Owen Guest

    I am having the same problems as Krister - this is a MAJOR slowdown as I,
    like almost everyone else, produce fabrication drawings of every model that
    I create (generally with lots of sections and detail views).

    I too have reported this to my VAR and have been advised that it is to be
    fixed in SP 2. Given that SP 2 is still NOT out & now we have further
    delays for the Xmas holidays I think that this issue should have warranted a
    SP 1.1 urgent fix that should have been released within days of the problem
    being reported - after all, this is our 'bread & butter'!!

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Dec 23, 2003
  8. Wow did you hit this right on the head... for Pro/E. It seems that the
    unfortunate reality is that these CAD companies stay in business selling new
    software. To sell new software you need new features. The competition
    always has something that you don't, so the software is always changing.
    It's a tough decision to stay with an older version when a newer version
    exists and knowing that later releases may have improvements that you really

    I pretty much take it for granted that new releases of any software will
    require faster hardware. This is true for every piece of software from
    operating systems to word processors to CAD. Thus, it doesn't upset me that
    the software gets slower with new releases. It does upset me, however, when
    more steps are added to do the same thing.

    All of that said, I've been playing with 2004 SP 1 for about a month and
    have done one major prototype project with it. My subscription is almost up
    and I don't think I'm going to upgrade my department to 2004 SP 1. We all
    have 2003 SP 4 installed (since SP4 came out, whenever that was) and are
    quite satisfied. I think we're staying with 2003 SP 4. 2003 does what I
    need it to do with acceptable speed and I haven't found the new gadgets in
    2004 worth the bugs that will eventually get worked out in SP 5.
    Mickey Reilley, Dec 23, 2003
  9. bill allemann

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Those are exactly the type of slow-downs we've experienced and proven, to
    ourselves in our office, to our var, and to the group in previous benchmark
    messages. I've also considered moving back to 2001+ but the reality is
    we've come to far unless we're forced. In other words, if we convert it
    will be to a different software entirely. The slowdowns are present in
    every function of the software from sketching, to part modeling, to assembly
    modeling, to rendering, and to drawing. I'm sorry but it's not the
    settings. Hopefully the next SP will address but history makes me doubt it.

    On the topic of drawing creation, I agree with Jeff; the industry seems to
    have stopped caring, at least in the estimation of this engineer and many
    others. Drawing capability is there but performance and productivity have
    dropped sharply.

    Here's another observation that might make us feel better though. We have a
    client that requires us to release in Acad format to a very strict set of
    layer, color and font standards. I purchased Intellicad to handle this and
    while it's nearly identical to Autocad 2000 it is still more productive for
    us to draft in Solidworks. The interface and the way drawing tools work is
    so much more flowing in Solidworks. I just wish the performance and
    translation to Autocad could be resolved.

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Dec 24, 2003
  10. bill allemann

    kema Guest

    Not quite an answer, but here's my experience:
    I work for a custom automation equipment (design/build) company. We
    have literally 1,000's of hours invested into 2D AutoCAD customization
    (layer control, BoM, auto feature creation, etc...). Our 2D AutoCAD
    has pretty much beaten SWX at every benchmark we've come up with
    (mostly large assembly and detailing). I (and probably a majority of
    others in the design dept.) would love to switch to the 3D world, but
    until the product becomes more stable and productive, I don't have a
    leg to stand on in support of SWX.

    kema, Dec 26, 2003
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