Drawing on scale

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jeroen, Dec 10, 2004.

  1. Jeroen

    Dave Jones Guest

    who would want to work there?
    Dave Jones, Dec 17, 2004
  2. Jeroen

    Cadalot Guest


    You touched a subject very close to my heart.......

    They don't teach Technical Drawing anymore at senior school level in
    the UK, today they play with fabrics and design and make models and
    create art etc.

    No more Metalwork or woodwork for 2-3 years

    At Technical College the amount of drawing skills taught at ONC HNC
    BTEC Level is minimal

    At University and Degree Level it's practically non existant, the
    occasional drawing on a class or group project.

    On the Class Project there are part time students who have drawing
    skills so they are used for that element of the project.

    Graduates don't understand that they have to be able to read drawings,
    and should know how to draw them so that they can direct draughtsmen
    to produce them. As for checking that all the available information is

    Next to speech, the drawing is the next most effective and powerful
    method of communication.

    ( Steps off soap-box so as not to continiue ranting on.......)
    Cadalot, Dec 17, 2004
  3. Jeroen

    JP Guest

    I was referring to Jeroen, always nice to meet a fellow countryman on the
    This "uNkulunkulu" guy seems to have the need to tacle on.

    I quoted a piece of his mambo-jambo to point out that his reaction on mine
    was not so sensible.

    JP, Dec 17, 2004
  4. Jeroen

    uNkulunkulu Guest

    : I was referring to Jeroen, always nice to meet a fellow countryman on the
    : newsgroup.
    : This "uNkulunkulu" guy seems to have the need to tacle on.


    : I quoted a piece of his mambo-jambo to point out that his reaction on mine
    : was not so sensible.

    'n reaksie van 'n goede gag wat nie so goed was nie

    : regards,
    : Jan
    : "David Hicks" <> schreef in bericht
    : : > I assume you mean his brain JP, because clearly something has come off the
    : > tracks
    : >
    : >
    uNkulunkulu, Dec 17, 2004
  5. Jeroen

    designer Guest

    Ah, seemed to have stirred up a hornets nest.

    There are good and bad draughtsmen.
    There are good and bad CAD operators
    If you're lucky you find a good draughtsman who's also a good CAD operator
    If you're really unlucky .............

    But to each their own.

    For my limited 2D drawing I'll carry on with my £250 package that lets me
    draw on the sheet size I want (A0 - A4), at the scale I want (usually
    1:2,5,10,20,25...) knowing I can always change it as I go along, using
    construction lines and circles to assist me in drawing, with TrueType fonts,
    automation with macro's coupled to VB if necessary.
    designer, Dec 17, 2004
  6. Jeroen

    JP Guest

    Lijkt wel Suidt-Afrikaanders.

    Kom je uit die buurt of doe je maar alsof?

    JP, Dec 18, 2004
  7. Jeroen

    designer Guest

    I think the rot starts earlier.

    I gave up thinking Design & Technology was a worthwhile part of the school
    curriculum when my son, at junior school, was asked to design and make a
    kite. Marks were awarded only for the graphic design on the kite, but not
    one kite was test flown (there was me thinking the prime function of a kite
    was to fly).

    In our office is a guy (mid-twenties) completing his engineering degree,
    he's worked on the shop floor and as a draughtsman. Part of the course is a
    project to design and build a small racing car with a motorcycle engine. We
    all fell about laughing when he showed us "drawings" for parts he had been
    given by others on the project to get made. All modelled in 3D, but as
    drawn completely useless for a man on the shop floor. He had to try and
    educate them ........
    designer, Dec 18, 2004
  8. Jeroen

    uNkulunkulu Guest

    : >
    : > 'n reaksie van 'n goede gag wat nie so goed was nie
    : >
    : Lijkt wel Suidt-Afrikaanders.
    : Kom je uit die buurt of doe je maar alsof?
    : Jan

    Op eintelik is ik 'n Skot. Maar ik het in Zuid Afrika gewoon vir min of meer 29
    jaar. Ongelukkig is daar woorde in Nederland's wat ik het nie verstaan nie as
    die twee taal is nie heeltemaal die zelfde nie.


    Mina bona wena
    mina bona lo mombi yena lo shatini
    Skat lo Boss yena fika, nika yena iwhisky

    uNkulunkulu, Dec 20, 2004
  9. Jeroen

    JP Guest

    Most of it is quite readable.
    The Dutch they speak/write overthere is a relic from the 17thc century.
    A language evolves and when cultures get separated the languages evolve
    Hope i didn't offend you by giving comment.
    We like to play around sometimes on the group.

    By the way, Schotland is quite different from South-Afrika, especially the

    JP, Dec 20, 2004
  10. Jeroen

    uNkulunkulu Guest

    : > Op eintelik is ik 'n Skot. Maar ik het in Zuid Afrika gewoon vir min of
    : meer 29
    : > jaar. Ongelukkig is daar woorde in Nederland's wat ik het nie verstaan nie
    : as
    : > die twee taal is nie heeltemaal die zelfde nie.
    : Okay.
    : Most of it is quite readable.
    : The Dutch they speak/write overthere is a relic from the 17thc century.
    : A language evolves and when cultures get separated the languages evolve
    : differently.
    : Hope i didn't offend you by giving comment.
    : We like to play around sometimes on the group.
    : By the way, Schotland is quite different from South-Afrika, especially the
    : climate.
    : Jan

    No offence taken Jan, and yes big difference in the climate in Scotland. Which
    I knew when I returned there to live. I did spend a little time in Holland in
    1982. Lived in Bijlmermeer, Amsterdam for about 9 months. I think this was
    where I learned to put Mayonnaise on my "schivies". (Not sure if I spelt that
    correct). The Scots tend to put Brown sauce or ketchup on theirs.


    Mina bona wena
    mina bona lo mombi yena lo shatini
    Skat lo Boss yena fika, nika yena iwhisky

    uNkulunkulu, Dec 21, 2004
  11. Jeroen

    JP Guest

    You didn't pick exactly the best spot in the Netherlands to stay for a
    I can imagine better places (especially today, high criminality, drugsabuse
    Is there a nice (reasonable priced) place in Schotland to stay somewhere.
    Would like to visit it some time (like to walk in the mountains, hollidays
    are now spent in Austria).

    I don't know 'schivies', maybe you mean 'schijfjes', potato slices?

    We're getting quite off-topic by now, maybe the groupmoderator will kick us
    off soon.

    Was nice talking/writing, maybe we'll meet again sometime on the group.

    For now, a Merry Cristmas and a Happy NewYear.

    In Dutch, een Zalig Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar.

    JP, Dec 21, 2004
  12. Jeroen

    uNkulunkulu Guest

    : >
    : > No offence taken Jan, and yes big difference in the climate in Scotland.
    : Which
    : > I knew when I returned there to live. I did spend a little time in Holland
    : in
    : > 1982. Lived in Bijlmermeer, Amsterdam for about 9 months. I think this was
    : > where I learned to put Mayonnaise on my "schivies". (Not sure if I spelt
    : that
    : > correct). The Scots tend to put Brown sauce or ketchup on theirs.
    : >
    : You didn't pick exactly the best spot in the Netherlands to stay for a
    : while.
    : I can imagine better places (especially today, high criminality, drugsabuse
    : etc.)
    : Is there a nice (reasonable priced) place in Schotland to stay somewhere.
    : Would like to visit it some time (like to walk in the mountains, hollidays
    : are now spent in Austria).
    : I don't know 'schivies', maybe you mean 'schijfjes', potato slices?
    : We're getting quite off-topic by now, maybe the groupmoderator will kick us
    : off soon.
    : Was nice talking/writing, maybe we'll meet again sometime on the group.
    : For now, a Merry Cristmas and a Happy NewYear.
    : In Dutch, een Zalig Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar.

    In Afrikanns : Geseeinde Kersfees en Voerspoedige Nuwejaar.
    uNkulunkulu, Dec 21, 2004
  13. Jeroen

    Janice Guest

    Amen! !

    Janice, Dec 25, 2004
  14. Jeroen

    designer Guest

    I didn't think that Colossus ran CAD programmes, being tied up with other
    rather more important work at Bletchley Park "before I was

    (just to show my age)
    designer, Dec 27, 2004
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