Drawing of a part with multiple configurations

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chris Dubea, Oct 16, 2003.

  1. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Hi There,

    I'm using Swx 2003 and have a questions about drawings of
    multi-configurational parts. Can a drawing be made with a table of
    values for the dimensions that are changed in the configurations?

    I've got a bolt that I'm using as a stop and have turn a groove along
    the length for use with a snap ring. The distance of the ring is the
    only thing that changes with the configuration. I would really rather
    not make a drawing for each configuration.


    Chris Dubea, Oct 16, 2003
  2. In your model insert a Design table. This will ask you which values you
    want to show up in it. You can then in the drawing select a view of the
    part and select Inser/Design Table and the table will insert onto your
    Corey Scheich, Oct 16, 2003
  3. Chris Dubea

    T Bennett Guest

    If you don't actually need something driving your assembly, you can simply
    make a config. block in Excel, then drop it onto your drawing. I think this
    is a lot easier than making a design table. It takes more effort to get a
    design table to look right on the drawing than one little dimension

    How this works:
    Open Excel. Make the bottom row which contains your column labels
    (CONFIG, DESCRIPTION, 'A', REV, etc.). On the row above, fill in your
    values (-01, LONG, 1.250, A, etc.). Make as many rows as you need. Add
    your preferred border style and save this. The name isn't important because
    the file gets embedded into the drawing. Exit Excel. From Windows Explorer,
    drag this file onto your drawing.

    The problem with this method is that nothing is parametric. It simply is
    text in a pretty box. For us this is the method of choice, because
    SolidWorks doesn't recognize the need for design table information on the
    drawing. They made improvements (arguably) on BOMs, Rev Blocks, Hole
    Tables, and Cut Lists, but no improvements for configurations.

    Todd Bennett
    Celerity Group, Inc
    T Bennett, Oct 16, 2003
  4. I sent you a file explaining how to set up a tabulated drawing. This was an
    article written by Lee Bell and I think it may do just what you are looking
    for. Take a look and let us know.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 16, 2003
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