Drawing looks fine, but when previewed arcs are flipped!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Joe Sloppy, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. Joe Sloppy

    Joe Sloppy Guest

    Here is the problem, when editing a drawing for SW2005, everything
    looks fine, then when previewing it to print, a couple of the elbows
    outlining arcs in a front view are flipped or drawn from where it
    should start and end but the other way so instead of a 90 degree arc,
    its a 270 degree arc. Why is this, I am using sp0 and it's really
    annoying me as I have to save to dwg and then manually redraw these
    arcs. I should mention that I am using routing and these are 45 or 90
    degree elbows, but not the SW 45 elbows, what I did what just take the
    90 and added 30, 45, 60, & 90 configs. all to the same elbow so SW just
    used one, so I wouldn't get that prompt for a different elbow every
    time I used one. I am printing them High Quality and high quality views
    so that can't be the problem. Also, these are cropped views, and one of
    the stupid crop lines is showing up on the print, now why whould that
    be? I have other cropped views and no crop lines show up. ... (a minute
    later), OK, I just removed the crop and now the elbows preview and
    print fine, but I need this to be a croped view, why is the crop
    getting so screwed up? Is there known problems? I removed the crop and
    recropped it, its messed up the arcs again but only when previewed and
    printed, strange. HELP, thanks!
    Joe Sloppy, Feb 21, 2005
  2. Joe Sloppy

    Joe Sloppy Guest

    Figured out what was causing the arcs to flip, a bug of course, but
    here is how I created it. I have multiple routes using piping and
    instead of hiding the main route assemblies when creating
    configurations to detail, I hit all the individual parts by just
    drawing a box aroud them in the screen and clicked hide, that not only
    messed up my drawing border because even though I had hide the parts,
    solidworks was still drawing the drawing border around the WHOLE
    assembly instead of just what you were seeing, it also messed up some
    arcs on elbows, drawing them the wrong way when previewed to print. So
    I went back and unhide each part and just hid the assemblies, now the
    borders for drawings are right and the arcs for elbow print fine. TIP:
    Hide assemblies when you can, hiding just at the part level messes
    stuff up, like your drawing border and maybe lines when printed!
    Joe Sloppy, Feb 24, 2005
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